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How to Promote With an Email Signature File


e sure to use a signature file on all your emails. You can set your email program to include this automatically on every email you send so it's an effortless, quick and easy way to get your URL out there in front of as many people as you can.

If you're short on time but want to try and generate a few extra sales this week then here's a quick promo idea you can use:

Create a promotional signature file

Creating a signature file to use in your email replies or forum postings is an example of one quick thing you can do today to help generate some extra commissions. It takes less than 2 minutes to do and you can use the same signature file in any email you send or in your forum postings, so why not create one now?

Here's a pre-written signature file you can use and all you need to do is add your affiliate link, then save it and use it in your email program.

Of course you're free to go ahead and make any changes you want to the text. This is just a sample signature you can use.

Best Wishes,
Your Name Goes Here


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Best Wishes,
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If you use Outlook Express for your email client then here's how to set up the signature file so it's automatically appended to the end of every single email you send out: (the same can be applied to most email programs)


Open Outlook Express by clicking that icon on your desktop, or by clicking the icon from your PROGRAM list, like this:

STEP TWO: When Outlook Express opens up, go to:


Then when that menu drops down, click OPTIONS:

STEP THREE: Now a much larger screen will show up. There are several tabs running across the top of this screen.

You need to click on SIGNATURE, like this:


On this screen you need to click the button that says "NEW".

Doing that opens up the bottom section labeled "EDIT SIGNATURE" so you can copy the signature from the table showing above and PASTE IT into that form field, like this:


STEP FIVE: At the top of the window you'll see a checkbox that says:

Add signature to all outgoing messages

You need to check that off. There is also another option to not include it on replies or forwards. So you check that or uncheck that as you wish.

Now click the OK button, then the APPLY button and next time you're sending an email to anyone, the signature will automatically be added at the bottom of the message!

This means more people see your affiliate link and that increases your chances of making sales.

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