Five reasons why participating in forums can benefit your business

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  • VodaBot
    Articles & News

    • Nov 2005
    • 171


    Five reasons why participating in forums can benefit your business

    Did you know that by simply participating in various forums and posting your various views and ideas, can potentially bring new growth and life to your o*nline business? Let’s look at some of the positive aspects that forum participation can bring to your business.

    1. We are all looking for traffic to our websites and if we can get it for free with little effort, that’s even better. Did you know that when you sign up as a new member at a forum, you can usually create a “signature” line that will be attached to every post that you make in a forum? This signature line can contain your website address, and as other members read your post, this will provide another route for potential customers to find your website.

    2. O*ne of the worst things about trying to advertise o*n the Internet is the lack of trust between website owners and customers. Everyone is afraid of being scammed. A good way of building trust with potential prospects is by giving them a chance to get to know you, and by letting some of your knowledge, honesty and integrity show in the post that you make at a forum.

    3. Most webmasters o*n the Internet exchange links with other like sites, because exchanging links will boost your link popularity. It’s a proven fact that you get higher search engine rankings when your site has a high PR due to your link popularity. But did you know it’s even better if you have a link pointing to your site that isn’t reciprocated?

    Every post that you make in a forum will create a o*ne way link pointing to your website. If you make 1000 post in a year, you have potentially created 1000 back links pointing to your site. As the search engines crawl the Internet and detect all these links pointing to your site, your website is going to move toward the top of the search engine listings.

    4. Running a business o*n the Internet can be a very lonely occupation. There is very little interaction with other people and this can be devastating to some. By participating in forums, you will meet other people who have o*nline businesses and who have a lot in common with you. It’s sometimes comforting to know that there are others who share your occupational frustrations, and will be there to support you if you need them.

    5. It’s a proven fact that two minds are better than o*ne. Everyone goes through learning curves o*n the Internet. Whether that learning curve involves starting out, building websites, search engine optimization, or the millions of other things that you must be prepared to do o*n the Internet to establish your business, there is someone in your favorite forum that has been there and done that. These people will be more than happy to give you free consultations.

    Best wishes to you,

    Rebecca Gilbert


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