WPCandy Roundtable #3: WordPress Meetup Discussion with 4 co-organizers


Let’s talk about WordPress meetups! On this episode of The WPCandy Roundtable Podcast, I asked four awesome WordPress meetup co-organizers to chat about what makes a quality meetup and how they do what they do. We also went over what they would recommend to new WordPress meetup organizers. Joining me on the podcast are Angie Meeker (Columbus, Ohio WordPress Meetup), Brian Richards (Grand Rapids, Michigan WordPress Meetup), Steve Zehngut (Orange County WordPress Meetup) and Aaron Jorbin (Washington, D.C. WordPress Meetup). These folks know what they’re talking about. Still not sure about listening? Steve Zehngut and Aaron Jorbin each co-organize events with a full roster count of over 800 and 1,200, respectively. That’s a couple of times the size of most large Word Camps , folks. Download: Roundtable-Podcast-003-Angie-Meeker-Brian-Richards-Steve-Zehngut-Aaron-Jorbin.mp3 MP3 file  (27.2 MB) Audio RSS Feed We discussed a number of issues that will face new meetup organizers. Some of my favorites this episode were: What’s the best advice for brand new meetup organizers who haven’t started their event yet? What sort of format does your meetup use? Where do you find your meetup speakers? How do you keep your community involved when not meeting? When does your group meet? Do you find weekdays or weekends to be best for meetings? We talked for about 50 minutes and had a great time. If you’re interested in running — or improving — your own WordPress meetup I highly recommend this podcast. What about your WordPress Meetup experience? I know for a fact that plenty of you organize the meetups in your city too. I’d love to have your comments on these topics as well. What did you find helpful when you started your event? If you aren’t organizing your meetup, and  also don’t have a meetup in your area, what’s  holding you back? Have you ever considered running it for the community in your city? You just finished reading WPCandy Roundtable #3: WordPress Meetup Discussion with 4 co-organizers on WPCandy . Please consider leaving a comment! The post WPCandy Roundtable #3: WordPress Meetup Discussion with 4 co-organizers appeared first on WPCandy .

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