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How do you make tables move to desired location on page?

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  • #16
    Re: How do you make tables move to desired location on page?

    The affiliate link under the table did appear once then disappeared. The table is indeed on the left side of the page. When I click on the table -not anywhere near the affiliate link in the table- I am taken to the affiliate link. Therefore, it is probable that the image is over the table and not placed within a cell.

    Your page source shows several tables being used and even an I-frame with a tranparency.

    As an experiment- open a brand new page and then click on the table icon. Make it 5 rows and 2 columns with a border of 1. Move the table to the right side. Now preview. Does it stay on the right side? If so, take the extra step and publish it as a web page and name it table_test. Then re-call it in the browser and see if the table is in the same position.

    If all is well with this test page, then we can presume that it is a conflict with the current page and the elements you have placed on it. That would warrant starting from scratch- adding each element and testing it prior to moving on.

    If it acts the same way on this new page- then there is a greater problem and we will address that.

    Hope that helps.

    PHP- is a blast!


    • #17
      Re: How do you make tables move to desired location on page?


      Thanks for responding quickly. I will put up the new page and see what happens.

      On the page you looked at I have only one table placed on the page. I have an two Iframes that have drop down lists on a menu page. Other than that you see my header and a couple of other elements that have been placed there.

      What's really crazy is that I have looked at several other sites and they look nice. I have been trying to do this for quite some time.

      Simply Quit - Smoking


      • #18
        Re: How do you make tables move to desired location on page?

        Oops--I made this an actual post rather than an edit.

        Edit: Andy, I think you have hit it on the spot. I made a new page and did what you ask and previewed it. The table was indeed on the right side of the page where I moved it.

        Do you think that the Iframes were what caused the conflict? I think that I will have to start over without the Iframes. Naval put up a post about PHP and how to set up various things on a page. Do you think that would cause a problem with tables?

        Anyway, I am going to have to reconstruct my whole website now, but I think it may turn out better in the long run. We'll see what happens. I do like the concept of Iframes though. Too bad they may not work in my application.

        Andy--I did take the extra step and published the page and the table was where I placed it on the page.

        Simply Quit - Smoking


        • #19
          Re: How do you make tables move to desired location on page?

          Well- I am glad we have narrowed it down somewhat. At least we know that the BV web builder is not at fault with respect to the tables.

          Now to figure what went wrong (which we may never figure out). The only other suggestion would be to test the page in preview and publish it after you add the elements to the page. That way- if it starts to screw things up, you only need go back one step.

          Holler back if you need anything else!


          PHP- is a blast!


          • #20
            Re: How do you make tables move to desired location on page?


            Thanks for your help on this one. I will be sure to holler again if something arises.

            Simply Quit - Smoking


            • #21
              Re: How do you make tables move to desired location on page?

              Hello Andy & Robert,

              I found out what the problem was in inserting tables to the BV pages. I had to move them to the "back" in order for them to be able to be placed on the page where I wanted them to be placed. Does this sound right?

              Anyway, it works now and I can play around with them.

              Simply Quit - Smoking


              • #22
                Re: How do you make tables move to desired location on page?

                That's fantastic. I can only imagine what your reaction was when found the cause of it all. LOL DOH!!!
                Your Visual Revolution Solution


                • #23
                  Re: How do you make tables move to desired location on page?

                  Well, after I picked myself up off the floor after bouncing around the room, I got to work. I think it's great. Now I can look for other ways to do things that I don't understand.

                  Thanks for all your help.

                  Simply Quit - Smoking

