I was investigating RSS feeds for one of my sites.....
I went through the a previous post that was very useful:
But incurred a problem that wasn't solved (at least not publically)
I followed the instructions to the letter, got my php code, uploaded it...went through the steps in cPanel, Apache Handlers...
Then I couldn't get anything to appear of my page.
It (it being http://rssfeedreader.com/php.html#HTML) says:
'Next add this SSI call to your web pages where ever you want to display RSS headlines.'
(the SSI call being <!--#include virtual="/rssfeeds.php" -->)
How do you insert this onto a Bluevoda page??
My first point of call whenever I see code is always 'insert > HTML' and do some pasting, and it's done. No such luck for me this time.
Had a play around with some other 'inserts' but to no avail.
I'm sure everything else is set up fine.
I went through the a previous post that was very useful:
But incurred a problem that wasn't solved (at least not publically)
I followed the instructions to the letter, got my php code, uploaded it...went through the steps in cPanel, Apache Handlers...
Then I couldn't get anything to appear of my page.
It (it being http://rssfeedreader.com/php.html#HTML) says:
'Next add this SSI call to your web pages where ever you want to display RSS headlines.'
(the SSI call being <!--#include virtual="/rssfeeds.php" -->)
How do you insert this onto a Bluevoda page??
My first point of call whenever I see code is always 'insert > HTML' and do some pasting, and it's done. No such luck for me this time.
Had a play around with some other 'inserts' but to no avail.
I'm sure everything else is set up fine.