I want to put a calendar on my site with a link from each date to another page. For example I have class plans and I want to be able to click on a date and be taken straight to the class plan for that day which has been saved on the server through Blue Voda.
I've looked at a couple of things including zapatec but I'm not real up with the lingo so i'm a bit lost. They said I need to know more about javascript.
Any help pleeease?
I want to put a calendar on my site with a link from each date to another page. For example I have class plans and I want to be able to click on a date and be taken straight to the class plan for that day which has been saved on the server through Blue Voda.
I've looked at a couple of things including zapatec but I'm not real up with the lingo so i'm a bit lost. They said I need to know more about javascript.
Any help pleeease?