BV shape question

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  • AWS
    First Lieutenant

    • Jan 2006
    • 172

    BV shape question


    A strange thing is happening with two shapes on

    I have a white rectangular shape,with a 1 pixel green border, on the background of the index page(full address and I have a white curved (x20) rectangular shape with a blue border x 2 pixel on a page called "windmill" (full address

    The problem is when I publish either page then the shape for the page published will be in the page that I have not published and when I publish that page vice versa.

    Its as if I have the shapes named the same but this cannot be as they are both blue voda shapes.

    Would you take a look at this phenomenon and advise me on how to correct it.I have left it at the page published being "windmill" which means that the shape on the index page is wrong.

    Thanking you in advance.
  • jahnsele
    First Lieutenant

    • Apr 2006
    • 185

    Re: BV shape question

    You may wanna double check image source, since you are using BV sw to create both pages, most likely you may mix without knowing. It happened to me.

    all the best.


    • LadyEye
      General & Forum Moderator

      • Jun 2006
      • 10526

      Re: BV shape question

      Hi bevilleliam

      Here is the reason and the simplest solution .... Quoted from Naval Design himself .......

      Saving as preserves the names that BV attributes to menubar button images and to shapes. So you have two (or more) pages that have one or more elements, that when published, will have the same name on the server. So if you change the color of the shape in one page, it will also be changed in other pages too.

      Solution: create your pages with the SAve As, no problem. But, after you create the new page, if you have to change the color to a shape that is also in the original page, follow this procedure: select the shape, Copy it, Delete it, and then Paste it back to the page using the Paste Icon (not the right click icon). This, will place your shape in the page, in the excact same position where it was before. But, it will have (for BV) a new name, and you can change it's colour without problems.


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      • AWS
        First Lieutenant

        • Jan 2006
        • 172

        Re: BV shape question

        Originally posted by LadyEye
        Hi bevilleliam

        Here is the reason and the simplest solution .... Quoted from Naval Design himself .......

        Saving as preserves the names that BV attributes to menubar button images and to shapes. So you have two (or more) pages that have one or more elements, that when published, will have the same name on the server. So if you change the color of the shape in one page, it will also be changed in other pages too.

        Solution: create your pages with the SAve As, no problem. But, after you create the new page, if you have to change the color to a shape that is also in the original page, follow this procedure: select the shape, Copy it, Delete it, and then Paste it back to the page using the Paste Icon (not the right click icon). This, will place your shape in the page, in the excact same position where it was before. But, it will have (for BV) a new name, and you can change it's colour without problems.
        Excellent idea.Why didn't I think of that myself.Trust Naval Design to have all the answers heh.....Thank you and I will do as per your instructions as soon as I can get around to it and I will post the results.

        Again thanks.


        • LadyEye
          General & Forum Moderator

          • Jun 2006
          • 10526

          Re: BV shape question

          yw and just to show you how helpful I can be ....

          Here is your very own "RoundTuit"

          Hope this helps again .....



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