I have added some Flash graphics to my new site www.platinum-beats.com and have noticed that when you move the mouse over the flash graphic, a grey border appears. You can click on the flash and the border does not appear again until you reload the page and then it shows again. I believe this is only an Internet Explorer problem, it does not occur in say Firefox for example and I have read that Microsoft had to force this due to some legal reason. However it looks very unsightly, especially on dark backgrounds. I have read that there is a Javascript solution to this but I do not really understand how to solve this problem. There are sites viewed through Explorer that do not have this Flash border problem... Can you please help to solve this problem as soon as possible as I may have to re-think the site if it cannot be solved.
Paul Rudd
www.platinum-beats.com & www.quazarproductions.net & www.minipos.co.uk
Paul Rudd
www.platinum-beats.com & www.quazarproductions.net & www.minipos.co.uk