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zipperty doo dah, zippty ay
oh what fun we could have today...............
Its not very often that I can get one over you LE !!!!!!!!
Ha ha David and who would think it would be such a little simple topic that we all should have or at least Eye did learn well before my kindergarten days, lmao .... always fun with you BoobieMan ... so hop that iceberg and get over here and I'll play "Zippity do da zippity da" with you ... I just got my claws honed too, so should be interesting!!! hee hee
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You two I don't know...Looked at the videos David, streching my techi knowledge here lol. The first one was easy, then it went a bit downhill after that. Sure I will get there.
The main thing is I thought there was not a big problem, but he kept saying 'You may have done this', 'You may have made have done that'
Erm yes I have done all those live and learn hey.
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He does go on a bit, but stick with him till the end and everything falls into place..................some of his tricks are worth the effort....enjoy.