How to get images to open larger?

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  • jaykay
    First Sergeant

    • Mar 2007
    • 83

    How to get images to open larger?

    Hi there
    Can you help me, I have some images on the site I am building and as I can't get the lightbox to work properly, (probably my fault) I have decided to just leave them as they are, however I want them to open in a new window larger than the thumbnail on the page. I can't seem to get this to work either.
    Thanks in advance
  • Collectors-info

    • Feb 2006
    • 8703

    Re: How to get images to open larger?

    Hi, sounds like you are struggling a little?
    It seems like something is not compatible or something similar.
    To get thumbnails to work with pop ups is easiest done with the gallery in BV . But this works about the same way as the light box, so we might struggle there as well. Best to go the beginning & see where you started from.
    Can you describe how you are getting your images onto your computer & what format they are being saved in? IE: .jpg/.gif/.bmp/.png & also what size the files are that are saved. This should be at least a good starting point.
    Regards Chris.

    Collectables, Collecting,

    House build project


    • jaykay
      First Sergeant

      • Mar 2007
      • 83

      Re: How to get images to open larger?

      OK Chris, here goes.

      There are 5 images in total, all of which have been scanned and saved as jpegs, the sizes are as follows: 65.2 KB / 189 KB / 2.22 MB / 348 KB / 41.1 KB / and 171 KB I saved them into my blue voda images file. I inserted them using just the image button, I haven't set a 'link' or an 'event' in the image properties box.

      I really would of preferred to use the lightbox as I think its great, but if I can just get them to open as a bigger image when clicked then that will be ok.
      I am just about ready to upload the site now, so any help would be very much appreciated. That said, I guess I could upload it anyway and maybe you could look at it direct.
      Thanks again


      • Collectors-info

        • Feb 2006
        • 8703

        Re: How to get images to open larger?

        Hi, what is a good idea to start with, is getting all your images down to a good size in the KB sense & the physical size. 600x400 is some ware to start & about 60kb each max.
        If you don’t have software to do this there is some free software at the photos/image links below. Then as you describe earlier, add your images to the page & publish . (Not upload) Post the page url here & we can have a look.

        Good luck.
        Regards Chris.

        Collectables, Collecting,

        House build project


        • jaykay
          First Sergeant

          • Mar 2007
          • 83

          Re: How to get images to open larger?

          Hi Chris, Thanks for your reply, I am just in the process of (using your guide) trying to get the images smaller. Thanks also for the answer re publishing or up loading. One other thing if I may trouble you, with regard to the keyword digger, do I use this just on my home page or all pages?
          Thanks again


          • Collectors-info

            • Feb 2006
            • 8703

            Re: How to get images to open larger?

            Hi Julie, with key words you have to put them on all pages. They should also only relate to the page they are on & be within the text that is on that particular page.
            IE: if you was selling cars & one of you pages is for just Ford cars. Don’t put a whole list of other manufactures in the key words area thinking it will help. Only put key words in that is related to the text on that page. I believe this applies to the image names as well, so always good to name these well.
            With web pages you have to think a little bit backwards in imagining all the key words that someone may type in a search in Google & trying to incorporate these into your pages & page titles without making it look like a list of key words.
            Beth’s free book is a very good start.

            Good luck. Let us now how you are doing with the images.
            Regards Chris.

            Collectables, Collecting,


            House build project


            • jaykay
              First Sergeant

              • Mar 2007
              • 83

              Re: How to get images to open larger?

              Thanks Chris

              I still haven't managed to sort my images out, but I've published it anyway while I try and sort it out.
              But now that its published, do you know why, when I type in the URL I get the site opens within a 'directory structure'

              Would you mind having a look at it , or should I post this in topic on previewing websites?


              • Collectors-info

                • Feb 2006
                • 8703

                Re: How to get images to open larger?

                Hi, sounds like you haven’t published your index page properly. Name your index page (Home page) as index all in lower case & with no other dots dashes or html’s. Just saved & named index then publish. Post the URL here so we can have a look.
                Regards Chris.

                Collectables, Collecting,


                House build project


                • jaykay
                  First Sergeant

                  • Mar 2007
                  • 83

                  Re: How to get images to open larger?

                  Thanks Chris
                  I have renamed the index page as you suggested and it has worked fine, so thanks for that.
                  here's the url
                  it still needs a lot of fixing but your opinion (whether good or bad) would be gratefully appreciated.


                  • Collectors-info

                    • Feb 2006
                    • 8703

                    Re: How to get images to open larger?

                    Ah! Your off to a good start & you got some pages working. Believe me we all banged our heads on the wall in the beginning. Couple of thing to look out for before you get too far & have to do the pages all again. Is! The pages are a little wide & would be nice with an 800 to 1000 wide.
                    And one of the images is over 2 meg

                    For your tell a friend button. This may be of some use. Cut & Paste the script below into an html box & preview to test.

                    HTML Code:
                     <p align="right"><font face="Verdana,Helvetica" size="3"><a href="mailto:?subject=P.X.M.(KRASHIAS)Property Developers&body=Hi:%0A%0AThought you may like to have a look at this site for property developers in Cyprus.%0A%0AHave enclosed details below: %0A%0A Email address %0A%0A %0A%0A %0A%0AGood luck.">Tell a friend</a></font></td>

                    If you like it & want to use the tell a freind image you have? Remove the part at the end of the script saying Tell a friend & put this code below in place of it. This image will have to be on the server in the same directory. But don’t worry to much as it should already be there.

                    <img src="">

                    Might be an idea to post the site in the reviews area for a more all over opinion.
                    Regards Chris.

                    Collectables, Collecting,


                    House build project


                    • Collectors-info

                      • Feb 2006
                      • 8703

                      Re: How to get images to open larger?

                      Hi, the last post should of had this bit of code to enable the image. I forgot about the blue boarder bit. This will get rid of it.

                      <img src="" border="0">
                      Regards Chris.

                      Collectables, Collecting,


                      House build project

