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Hi, yes! You must have an index page.
Not sure if it any help? But the 1st image is my index page & the gray area around the top/left side & bottoms is my html box with the code for my menus & a few other bits I wanted to add as common items that I will have on every page. These are the items on my menu page. (Image 2)
So when a visitor asks for my index/home page, a split second later my home page will ask the menu page to join together on the same screen. If you put these on top of each other, they would match exactly into this link my index/home page.
Ok, I am going to try. Yes the image helps. I will let you know how I get on.
I have dicovered I have a new problem. My website. is now Firefox friendly. Works OK with IE, but not firefox. Hoe on earth to I solve this problem. May problem is the window player
I need scroll bars becuase the information I wish to carry is a long list. iframes don't work, and it was suggeted this php was a better way to go. I have it working now. But the information i wish to carry, ends up currupted.
is the layout I am trying to end up with. The link I given here is using iframes. you will note it scrolls now a long menu. But when I try to use it messes up the rest ofmy site. so hence I am using the drop menu, untill I get a little help to create what we see on this page.
Hi, you would have to do this the same way as it was before, (with iframes) by ether placing it on the main page or in page the area the php calls for.
This method was really for saving time on common items & menus on all pages.
Hi, I have just been looking through your site & noticed that you don’t have any other pages to link to. IE: everything is a popup. The php is for use if you have a site with multiple pages. Basically, your site only has one page, so the php is not needed. Or is this for another site you are developing.
If you look in the drop 'go' menu you will see, where my problem lie. The popup is designed to keep my visitor where they are. but when the wish to watch another video they will select a program. This will take them to another page. Each time I ad another video (i.e. another page) I have to update each and every page to reflect the new information.
Hi, is there anyway I can remove some of this questions. With shock and horror, I have just noticed one of my questions appears on the msn search engine.