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Flash Paper help

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  • Flash Paper help

    How can I embed a flash paper document into my website that retains its
    high resolution. I scanned a pdf file in high resolution, converted it to a .swf file, then dragged and dropped it into the flash box. When I view it on my site, it is very poor quality. Am I using the right tool from the toolbar on the left with the f symbol?

  • #2
    Re: Flash Paper help

    First, check to see if in Flash Properties, the Quality is at best.
    Second, see if you have the latest flash by going to:

    If you do not have Flash 9, go to:

    Hope this helps!
    Awakening Audio Video Design

    Christian Patrick Helvin


    • #3
      Re: Flash Paper help

      It says I have version 6, but after I install version 9, it still says I have version 6. I see alot of flash paper out there with very high resolution in them and I need to know how to put high resolution in my flash paper to embed into my site. Anyone else with experience on this.


      • #4
        Re: Flash Paper help

        Not having much experience with Flash Paper, one thing does prevail over Flash Items and Flash Paper. If you post at a size different than the created size. It will turn out pixelated or low quality. I hope that does help.
        Awakening Audio Video Design

        Christian Patrick Helvin


        • #5
          Re: Flash Paper help

          All I'm doing is dragging and dropping a Hi-Res .swf file inside the box that is created when you click the "f" symbol on the left side of the work area.
          I'm not changing anything. Does anyone know if this box can be used for flash paper or is it just for flash movies, etc...



          • #6
            Re: Flash Paper help

            It usually is meant for movies but works with any .swf file. Also, it does not go to the measurements of your .swf. So, you will need to see what the pixel dimensions are of your .swf. Then re-size the box in Bluevoda. Hope this helps.
            Awakening Audio Video Design

            Christian Patrick Helvin


            • #7
              Re: Flash Paper help

              OK, I quess I need someone who has embedded flash paper into their site so they can tell me exactly how it is done. I might need to start another thread to get more people involved with my problem. Thanks anyway Christian.

