I have noticed, lately, that few websites are using the old counters (# of hits), however, I would like to know how many times my website (only index.html) has been accessed. It does NOT have to be a visible counter (preferred). Does anybody have any ideas and if this has been posted before could you point me in the right direction. Muchas gracias!
Adding a Counter?
Adding a Counter?
"'Tis better to be silent and thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." (A. Lincoln)
http://www.dpcCrazyCrafts.comTags: None
Re: Adding a Counter?
Inside your CP there is one of the best stats programs you will ever find called Awstats. This will give you all the information you could possibly want with regards to visits to your site.
I beg you NOT to put a stat counter on your homepage. They are tacky and give a totaly incorrect recording of true visits as they simply add hits not visits. In other words I could visit your site just once but refresh the page 100 times giving you the incorrect impression that 100 people visited you today!Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
Re: Adding a Counter?
Thanks -- that is exactly what I wanted! No - I do not intend to put the tacky "look how many hits I have" counter on any of my webpages.Dan
"'Tis better to be silent and thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." (A. Lincoln)
Re: Adding a Counter?
Yes, Vicki- the stats are in awstats for all domains.
Re: Adding a Counter?
Hi, I discovered this just the other day.
You will find stats for your other sites listed in awstats under 'subdomain stats'.Jacque.
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