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I want to add a drop down menu that reads: Smoker? my Health Insurance website, Do I use a combobox or something else?
Your arrangement of navigation is not only non-traditional, I would venture to say it is User un-friendly: for example, you do not give anyone an option to select Dental Insurance independently of getting a Health Quote (apparently, it is "page 3" of your site). And your "Contact" page is really part of the sequence of pages in getting a quote. What's up with that?
Do you not wish for visitors to be able to select the products they need, or is it more of a "packaged pitch"?
Is it something you do not see as important when building a website, or is there a specific, logical reason you do not develop a Menu, Link System, or Navigational Tree??? Is it simply that you did not pick it up, or understand it from the beginning?
Look at most other websites ... even the earlier sample page made for you --- see on the left side of the page?? This is a standard text-link Menu, which clearly shows visitors all the options of how to move about your website, and which allows them to drill in to that which interests them particularly.
If you do not provide such a standard website feature, I seriously doubt your website will be worthy whatsoever. People just do not think sub-standard site configurations are credible, especially when it comes to an older market (Seniors) and "personal" issues like Health and money....
I didn't mean to come across sounding harsh, Stephen....really.
I am just having a hard time trying to figure out why you have not really moved forward after so many other suggestions from others and concurrance, and so much time....and this thing about navigation is such a fundamental core construct.....
You could simply add a "radio button" (a round check box) to your "Quote" email form.
If you want the option of smoking vs. non-smoking to actually deliver them to another page, for instance, then you should use a Go-Menu ... looks like a box with a pull-down arrow on the end, which you can link each selected item on a list.