cloning or making template - whats the difference please

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  • whatnext

    • Aug 2008
    • 24

    cloning or making template - whats the difference please

    All my pages are built on a two layer page. 1st layer plain cream, 2nd layer is a decorative template made somewhat oppaque. This set up I have now learned to save as a template that I create in bv. However all my 1st pages are just built on cloned pages of the above. Will this be a problem when I publish. Can anyone help me by explaining if this matters and also maybe advise as to if I should publish my pages before Ive completely finished them all. I know it sounds daft but I feel a bit nervous of this step, like I wont be able to go back and put it right. How easy is it to go on working on your pages once there puplished? Would be nice for instance to see if my links work. Sorry to ask 2 questions at once but please let me know what you think even if you can only help with one.
  • Marincky

    • Apr 2006
    • 4539

    Re: cloning or making template - whats the difference please

    Difficult to understand your first question fully, but from what I can make out, no this shouldn't cause a problem. It's up to you if you want to publish as you go along, it depends how long it takes you to complete the site. I prefer to build as I go, but only because I can build a site from 1 to 3 days, so chances are it wont get picked up by the search engines before I want it to. It is better to publish as you go along (in my view) as you can see how it all comes together and check everything works as should. To be honest, even getting up by the search engines before youfinish isn't too much of a problem anyway.

    You can publish away, and if you want to go back and add or make changes, just publish those pages again and it will update.
    Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


    • whatnext

      • Aug 2008
      • 24

      Re: cloning or making template - whats the difference please

      Thanks Ramsey - as you can see Im very green but I think I cant go on without knowing if my links etc are working. My greatest worry is that if Im getting something wrong that I will be reproducing same on every page without knowing, thus giving myself a lot of work in the long run. I get it with regards the search engines but if I pin protect the site while I'm working on it wont that save me from going public before I'm ready? Its not just my site thats not ready yet Im still making my stock as I'm a craftsman and my bussiness is a new one. Anyway, will have to go for it at some point! - Ant


      • Marincky

        • Apr 2006
        • 4539

        Re: cloning or making template - whats the difference please

        A pin won't stop them no. Depending on how you do it though, you could actualy create an advantage to se's picking yo up. If you try and concentrate on one page at a time, then when you have your templated page, clone it off to all the corresponding pages and just type something like 'we apologise whilst we update our website'.

        Should the SE's pick you up before you finish, at least it will be getting around the internet and by the time you have completed the site you may already have a small readership?

        Remember, there are many sites that are never finished, I have a wedding directory, I probably add ten pages a month, have done for years, it will never be finished, and if anything this actually helps my ranking on the search engines because of this factor.

        How long do you think your site will take to complete?
        Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


        • whatnext

          • Aug 2008
          • 24

          Re: cloning or making template - whats the difference please

          Probably a couple of weeks to a month because I have to photograph all my stock (has to be up to scratch because wont sell if photos not too hot) and resize said pics. Also have yet to add Paypal checkouts and credit cards too (if they will allow for new bussiness). So you see its not just the site I'm building. I'm learning that being a sole trader means being jack of all trades its a real challenge but one I choose. I really appreciate the help with my lack of tecnologicl knowhow anyhow - Ant


          • Marincky

            • Apr 2006
            • 4539

            Re: cloning or making template - whats the difference please

            You can always publish your pages, then remove them from the server, or have a temporary homepage with 'coming soon...' , build your site behind this but don't link up from the homepage, chances of being picked up willbe very slim until you are ready.
            Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


            • whatnext

              • Aug 2008
              • 24

              Re: cloning or making template - whats the difference please

              So you mean I could, say do my buttons with the links etc., publish without pictures to see if the links work and then remove them from the server and go on working on them. Could it be that easy?


              • Marincky

                • Apr 2006
                • 4539

                Re: cloning or making template - whats the difference please

                Yes, as long as you know your way around the server, that can be very easy to do.
                Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


                • whatnext

                  • Aug 2008
                  • 24

                  Re: cloning or making template - whats the difference please

                  Ok - I know what a server is but I doubt I could find my way around one. Is there anything in the bv. sitebuilder that lets you retract a page after youve published?


                  • Marincky

                    • Apr 2006
                    • 4539

                    Re: cloning or making template - whats the difference please

                    go to tools > FTP

                    log in using the same username and pword as you publish with.

                    On the right hand side you will see anything you have published into your public_html folder. Just highlight and delete any pages in there.
                    Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


                    • whatnext

                      • Aug 2008
                      • 24

                      Re: cloning or making template - whats the difference please

                      Will this not destroy? them or will the originals still be in my bv. folders somewhere (sorry words like delete still scare me)


                      • Marincky

                        • Apr 2006
                        • 4539

                        Re: cloning or making template - whats the difference please

                        no, your files will always remain on your pc, the server just holds the published versions of your files. so you can delete, add, delete, add to your hearts content.
                        Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


                        • whatnext

                          • Aug 2008
                          • 24

                          Re: cloning or making template - whats the difference please

                          You have been patient as a saint and you have given me much food for thought. So now I will go ahead boldly with no more fear. By the way I make and design wedding accessories and jewelery, its a small world as they say, I will look at your sites and learn. My business is called Lillani May and my domain name is As you said 'Coming soon......' Many thanks again - your a star. going of to snooze now - Ant


                          • Marincky

                            • Apr 2006
                            • 4539

                            Re: cloning or making template - whats the difference please

                            You are welcome. Once your site is finished, contact me and I'll give you a free lifetime feature on my directory. Should get you a few hits for sure.
                            Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


                            • whatnext

                              • Aug 2008
                              • 24

                              Re: cloning or making template - whats the difference please

                              Got a bit distracted there viewing your sites. Very impressive! and I will look you up when its all together and up an running. I would love to feature in your directory and It would be good to have your opinion about the site. Thanks again - Ant

