Collectors-info, please....

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  • Scythian

    • Apr 2008
    • 372

    Collectors-info, please....

    This question is especially "designed" for you,
    since this sample of yours is something that I want to try
    as a new version of my current website building...

    It's not difficult to guess how "newby"
    I am in the website building process.

    This is why, if you please, I will ask you to explain to me how
    you created that (simple ?) the most "ABC" possible way...

    I will follow exactly what you say,
    and will do my best to accomplish it,
    in order to make this teaching
    more "comfortable" to you.

  • Collectors-info

    • Feb 2006
    • 8703

    Re: Collectors-info, please....

    Hi, this will be in 3 parts. The 1st job is think about the size of the area you want to have as a text area with image in the background.
    Now choose an image you would like as a background for this area & resize it accordingly to this area. (Dont make it larger or it wont center) Now upload this image to your server via (FTP). This is part 1 done.

    Part 2. Now create a page that you want the text & image to be on & cut & paste the code bellow into “Beginning of Body” under “page HTML”

    <script language="JavaScript1.2">
    if (document.all||document.getElementById)"url('') white center no-repeat fixed"

    Not forgetting to remove my url & Changing it to your own image url that you uploaded to your server earlier. This is my one that you have to replace
    This image won’t show on the page until you preview & it calls the server to show the image.
    Right! If you want to have your text box on the page at lets say 500px wide, place a shape on your page at 500 wide in the top left hand corner & at what ever length you wish. This is just a guide for you to type your text in & will be deleted before you publish. Now type what ever text you want to show in the main page window within the boundaries width of the shape. Once you are happy with the text, delete the shape, name the page? “tb1”. Now go to your page properties & make the page width 500 & check the center in browser box. Publish the page. Part 2 done.

    Part 3 is simple.
    Create another page (This will be your main page) & place an iframe on the page. D/Click on the iframe to get to the iframe properties box. Remove the show boarder tick & place the url of the last page you published in the url field. This will look something like Now press preview & all should show up on your screen.
    You might have to play around with the iframe to size it up correctly.
    Regards Chris.

    Collectables, Collecting,

    House build project


    • Scythian

      • Apr 2008
      • 372

      Re: Collectors-info, please....

      Hi Collectors-info !

      First of all, thank you for your kind help.

      Let's go for the first part.

      I don't know exactly what FTP is,
      I simply upload my image via BV site builder, is that OK ?


      • Scythian

        • Apr 2008
        • 372

        Re: Collectors-info, please....

        OK, part one finished successfully.

        I start part two, but won't finish it now,
        because I have to go outside for a little while.
        I'll keep you informed about the process.

        Once again, thank you very much, Collectors-info.

