Is there a limit to the size of a page in BV? I have an index page that is 1000 pixels wide and currently 4400 pixels long. The longer I made it, the harder it is to scroll down in BV to manage elements at the bottom of the page.
Currently, the page is 4400 pixels long but I can't scroll down that far; the slider on the right "bottoms out" at around 4260. I can't see the placement handle on the bottom of the left ruler.
Any ideas?
PS - The obvious: I don't want to reduce my page length for certain reasons.
Currently, the page is 4400 pixels long but I can't scroll down that far; the slider on the right "bottoms out" at around 4260. I can't see the placement handle on the bottom of the left ruler.
Any ideas?
PS - The obvious: I don't want to reduce my page length for certain reasons.