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sorry i wasn't clear enough, in my website i want to put the country flags for the different languages in which the people can click on it and the my site changes the language to that specific flag
In that case you need to have a seperate folder for each of the country pages and link the flag to that folders index page. This site does that: in English and Spanish and gradually extending to the other flags)
oh thank you but i am still facing the problem since i dont know much how do i link the different langauge page on the same index page for example
if i were to make and link it on the English flag i dont want it to open a new window just the same as that link u just showed me it opens on the same page.
oh thank you what puzzles me is that how did that link you provided at the end of the link is english/ i tried saving my page like that and it didn't work so please enlighten me with this
please forget the post before this it was a mistake sorry sometimes i am abit confused