I'm getting confussed..
I have my website nearly complete
added the calendar:
I want to add a calendar so when new pupils log on they can see when i'm available, or when I have free slots.
I've added the application in my control panel (Fantistico), and can access the calendar, edit the slots, prob is that there seems to be a lot of stuff missing, for example, size, colour, time slots (8am till 4 pm only), etc
Get a feeling i'm not doing something right.
I've also downloaded the file but its sitting in my docs folder, do i need to do something with these files ??
I want it purely so pupils can see when i'm free, but make it so they cant change the records etc
Also I want it so i can edit the times/dates on a daily basis
I've added a contact form so they can e-mail me to ask for dates
I need a point in the right direction, just seems to be rather plain
I have my website nearly complete
added the calendar:
I want to add a calendar so when new pupils log on they can see when i'm available, or when I have free slots.
I've added the application in my control panel (Fantistico), and can access the calendar, edit the slots, prob is that there seems to be a lot of stuff missing, for example, size, colour, time slots (8am till 4 pm only), etc
Get a feeling i'm not doing something right.
I've also downloaded the file but its sitting in my docs folder, do i need to do something with these files ??
I want it purely so pupils can see when i'm free, but make it so they cant change the records etc
Also I want it so i can edit the times/dates on a daily basis
I've added a contact form so they can e-mail me to ask for dates
I need a point in the right direction, just seems to be rather plain