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You do not upload the guest book, you publish the page with it on it. Place your guest book on the page as per instructions & publish. (This parts done)
Now open notepad & create just a plain blank page & save it as a text file & name it guestbookdb.php & save.
Now upload this empty notepad doc to your server via FTP & change the permissions to 755 as tutorial.
What happens is when a message is left, it is stored in this document.
I published the guestbook, it shows in the webpage as a pop up because it was published as another page and linked through a menu key, when is filled and sent is brings an error script, need to know what values to use in the properties /advanced last two lines
I wrote in the text filename
and guestbook.php in the php script name , changed the values in the guestbook.php to 777 as told, but doesn't seems to work, don't know what to do, that is never talked about in the tutorials.