My domain is and I saved and published my index page. At the bottom of the page it says Click here to look around. That is linked to the page, bracelets as Online when Click here to look around is clicked on it comes up as page not found. I have this problem with others as well in trying to get this site up and running. Can anyone tell me what to do. I went through the process of linking as instructed and when I go back to check on it the link is still there. I also have the problem of the color of the links is purple, which I do not want but cannot figure out how to change. If anyone has an idea please let me know. Voda support sends me here.
Re: linking
if you do not have a form on the page you need to put .html extension on the link, so your link should look like this:
if you have a form on the page then you need to put .php extension on the link, so your link should look like this:
so there are 2 things you didn't do
1. no extension
2. no wwwmrmagoo144