Images in a table?

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  • valwilson
    Sergeant Major

    • Jul 2008
    • 86

    Images in a table?


    I have 6 pictures in the header of my website ( & am having difficulty getting them properly aligned. So far there are all seperate images & I just mually drag them into place, but it is difficult to get it exactly right. I think the best way might be to put the images in a table, but I'm having a couple of problems.

    Is there a way to change the size of the cells in the table apart from manually dragging each cell - all my images are the same size (150 X 112), so can I set all the table cells to this size? Or is there a way to make the table adjust to fit the image size?

    Also, is there a way to add title tags to the pictures in a table?

    Thanks for your help.
  • pink_eeyore
    First Lieutenant

    • Nov 2008
    • 195

    Re: Images in a table?

    Since they are all the same size you can use the layout tools. Highlight all the images and select space evenly. play around with the different commands. You can also click and hold the ruler and move it to place. Once you move an image to it it will freeze it into place so all images are equally aliened. Or while the image is highlight just use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move them into place. It will move at the rate of one pixel per click of an arrow so you can easily get the symmetry you need. at the bottom right of the screen you'll see the align x and y. use those numbers to place all images in the same location. For BV shapes you can press control (hold it down) and the arrow keys. This will allow you to adjust the side to your required length or height without having difficulties and frustrations using a mouse!

    Hopes this helps...
    Mr. Big Paw
    Somewhere in the CO mountains
    Big Paw Services


    • valwilson
      Sergeant Major

      • Jul 2008
      • 86

      Re: Images in a table?

      Hi Adir,

      thanks for your tips - I have been trying for what seems like a lifetime to align images properly, and you have just made it one hell of a lot easier!

      Just one further query. My page is set at 950 wide, the 6 images are 150 wide, but when I highlight all my images & space evenly across, it spaces them out to beyond 950. It seems to leave a standard space between each image of 24. Can I adjust this figure in the settings, or do I need to 'arrow' the images across?




      • pink_eeyore
        First Lieutenant

        • Nov 2008
        • 195

        Re: Images in a table?

        You have two easy options. They will be easy after you see what I mean;)

        First, after you played with all the alignment options you finish phase one. It's kinda like cutting a diamond, you just took off the rough surface, now it's time to make it shine. Since you page is 950 and each image is 150 and you have 6 images the math will work perfectly. When I mean is now it's time to de-highlight the images. If some move when you click on them click the undo button to have it placed where it was. Since the BV has it's default for the spacing (I'm not sure if it does or doesn't but it matter not) you will now manually make adustments. Divid you boxes into two groups. The 3 on the left and 3 on the right. Now move each side on at a time the left side move each box by highlighting it and using the arrow key to the right and the right side move to the left. Reap this until they are all uniform to have a space of 10 in between. You can even make 5 shapes with the width of 10 and put them in between the images to help see you aren't moving some too much.

        The other alternative is easier and you'll be using it for so many things to come. Forget about the layout of your page and move image 1 to the far left upper corner so the "x" and "y" show 0,0. Now grab image 2 and move it to the top as close as you can to what you think will be it's lovation. The x,y will now show something between 155-165 or close to that and y=0. Now with the arrows move the image left or right until you hit the 160,0 mark. That location will be your first image 150 + the 10 space to be the new place for your second image. Since you are dealing with an easy number sequence you can eye ball the location and than with the arrows move it until you get a digit ending with a zero. (it will be 150+10+150+10 = 320) do this from all your images. lock all (edit --> lock all) so none of them move when you highlight them all. I'm sure you figured out the hold down shift while you click an image function so you can pick which image to highlight in a group. Once they are all locked and highlighted right click on any one of them and choose group. Now it are all "stuck together. unlock the image and move it to where you want it to be.

        It will take you 1 minute to do this if you don't need to check back and read sentence for sentence;)


        My math assumes the further left and right images will be touching the boarder. If you want them to have a space from the border, you'll need to use a few images with 7 as the spacer and a few with 8. Once you have them all roughly aligned play with them until you get it right! A difference of 1 pixel is unnoticable to the human eye especially if you adjust for it by having the same spacer mirror each other on both sides using the middle line as you center you can do something like 7,7,8 middle 8,7,7 for example. Does that make seance?! It flows better than 7,7,8,77,8 or 7,7,7,7,8,8 the last two examples will be noticeable but not the first since our eyes adjust to the first example for the flow effect. When they say eyes play tricks on you it's true because they don't like ugly distracting things;)
        Mr. Big Paw
        Somewhere in the CO mountains
        Big Paw Services


        • pink_eeyore
          First Lieutenant

          • Nov 2008
          • 195

          Re: Images in a table?

          Also, since your page isn't 1000 or larger, and your background is white, try to pick the smaller of the two numbers. I would go with 7 to closely match the page better, or go with 8 so the math is easier. Either way, since you do not have any borders or other references, your banner does not need to equal it exactly if it doesn't fit your plans unless you want to change the page size! If it is smaller just place it to the top of your page where it will go, and use the align function to center it horizontally and it will. When you publish it it will look centered and perfect to fit your page dimensions as if it where 950. Just because your page is 950, doesn't mean everything in it needs to equal that... call it adjusting for more white effect which is a good thing in page design or any type of readable marketing.

          If you go with 8, or even 10, it will be larger than you page but not much at all. Most computers (unless you are using a screen from 1992) will still show it in the center of the browser regarless if it's larger than the page since it still fits the browser screen. if your page was 1000, you would be recommended not to do this. best text is to publish and see what happens!

          Good luck!
          Mr. Big Paw
          Somewhere in the CO mountains
          Big Paw Services


          • valwilson
            Sergeant Major

            • Jul 2008
            • 86

            Re: Images in a table?


            thanks for your detailed answer - I really appreciate all your help. Onwards and upwards!


