Hey everyone, still working on adding things to my site (this is my first so bare with me
Anyways, I read that you have to register on a seperate account to post or host your rss so you can add it to your page or something like that, Its a little past my bed time so I apologize if im sounding a little slow right now. Can I implement a RSS feed from a site that already has it, so that im actually just linking the RSS from their site to my page so as they update it on their page it updates on mine, etc. Am I making since here? Or do I have to make my own RSS in order to get it on my site? In other words for example I will use CNN News, if they had a RSS with highlighted news events everymorning; could I somehow make it so that on my page in a little box it would show that same update as they updated it? I have a feeling im making this harder than it is...