phplist email newsletter help please

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  • phplist email newsletter help please


    I am wanting to start using my mailing list and need some help. I have installed phplist with no problem from Fantastico.

    I dont want to send a regular letter email, but I want to send a flier with products listed and of course want it to look nice like a web page. I cant find anywhere to get a template to do this and looks like I have to make one. Can I make one in BV and use it somehow?

    I could use any help someone could provide in directing me how to do this. I am not a html guy at all and could build nothing if not for Blue Voda.

    Also I have a second question. I have over 1000 people signed up for this mailing list. My email is configured through Google for my websites. Once I figure out how to create what I want to send will this be a problem or does it get sent from phplist and not my email address? Gmail limits you to 500 emails a day.

    I have looked on here and cant find good direction on using this program but it doesnt mean I havent missed it.

    The phplist forum seems very slow and to be honest talks over my head.

    Any help is very welcome.

    Thanks in advance.