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Table, Graph and Equations from Microsoft Word

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  • Table, Graph and Equations from Microsoft Word

    I would like to copy and paste a word document that has a table, a chart and sequence of equations onto Blue Voda.

    The text words get pasted but not the table, chart and equations.

    What do I do?

  • #2
    Re: Table, Graph and Equations from Microsoft Word

    well the chart, you should capture as an image and insert it as an image.

    You can also insert a table in BV, but you will have paste in all the cell info.

    Or you can cheat like I do and capture all the data and save as an image to be inserted. Here is an example It looks like a table with content but its really an image.

    Equations...No idea. What are you after some kind of on-line calculation function?
    Happy Building



    • #3
      Re: Table, Graph and Equations from Microsoft Word

      I have inserted an equation that explains an addition of numbers, the total of these numbers divide another number that will produce a figure. (how to calculate averages)


      • #4
        Re: Table, Graph and Equations from Microsoft Word

        So whats the problem?
        Happy Building



        • #5
          Re: Table, Graph and Equations from Microsoft Word

          How do I save it as an image? Do I save as "webpage"? I can see other viable options (no save as jpg or bit)


          • #6
            Re: Table, Graph and Equations from Microsoft Word

            Originally posted by Sarvin View Post
            How do I save it as an image? Do I save as "webpage"? I can see other viable options (no save as jpg or bit)
            You'll need something to capture the whole page and then crop it so you've only got the image that you want to save as a .jpeg. I think you use the Print Screen key on your keyboard and it will open in whatever picture editing software you have.
            Happy Building


