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Shapes giving problems on Web

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  • Shapes giving problems on Web

    This is the weirest thing. If I save and publish my page, the last shape I had pretended to change (no actual changes) looks normal, but a different shape shows up way funny on the site. If I go back into BV and change a different shape, then the original one goes funny. The weirdest part is that some of my other pages start going funny too even though I didn't touch them. If I go back to those pages, save the affected shapes and re-publish, they look fine, but once I go back to the original problem page, it looks even weirder. The more I try to make everything the same, the more the shapes change on the site. Any ideas?

    Problem sites:

  • #2
    Re: Shapes giving problems on Web

    Your pages display fine.

    Your issue is on your end, on your local computer. Not knowing what shapes are intended as opposed to what is showing, it is impossible to offer any helpful perspective beyond ephasizing the basics about properly Saving pages, minimizing RAM consumption, cleaning out your browsers Temp files (especially if you have been using PREVIEW a lot) etc. you're pretty much on your own. You might try downloading a new copy of BlueVoda, running an anti-virus scan on your computer, not having too many pages open in the BV Workpanel at one time, and other common-sense troubleshooting methods .....
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
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    • #3
      Re: Shapes giving problems on Web

      Let me be a bit more specific. I have a new computer, I clear my cache all the time, it is a new installation of Blue Voda, it happens on my wife's computer, my wife's ******, and my Backflip. On the index page, there is this weird BOUNCE right in the middle of where is should say Jumpin' Jack Splash with the phone number and the "Home" button is red instead of looking like the other buttons.

      On the Rentals page, the Bouncers button in the middle is red and the box shape that surrounds all the pictures keeps changing from some weird blue color with streaks to red. An easier way to compare is to look at the Bouncers page. It should be the same but with different bouncer pictures. Key word is 'should.'

      Oh, and never use the Preview button because of the Facebook links, it always freezes.


      • #4
        Re: Shapes giving problems on Web

        Probably the best way to make this work correctly is to delete the offending items (such as the Home button on your index page) and remake it from scratch (don't copy from another page). This insures that the image on each page has a unique BV number so BV can't confuse two images for one, which is where the trouble begins. Children's Ministry resources
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