Found out that the BV web builder will not accept png format of pics. If this is not correct, any help is appreciated. So, far only able to insert jpeg, bmp or gif. This means I have to reformat all my pics that would need to be my product line and the reason for my website. Not a problem, but need to know if I'm missing something here.
And, do you suggest transferring/moving these pics to my Blue Voda/Images folder instead of remaining in their original folder. Does this make for easier loading/inserting? Or do they automatically load in Images after placing/inserting onto the web pages. That's the part I'm unclear about.
And, do you suggest transferring/moving these pics to my Blue Voda/Images folder instead of remaining in their original folder. Does this make for easier loading/inserting? Or do they automatically load in Images after placing/inserting onto the web pages. That's the part I'm unclear about.