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Adding google verification meta tags

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  • Adding google verification meta tags

    Can anyone help me. I cannot seem to alter the Meta tag HTML. this is what i am being asked to do:
    "Once you verify that you're the site owner, we can provide you with comprehensive statistics and error information about the pages in your site. If you're unable to verify, you can still use the Sitemaps program, submit Sitemaps, and see detailed information about those Sitemaps as well as basic information about your site. [?]
    We offer two methods of verification. You can either upload an HTML file with a name we specify, or you can add a META tag to your site's index file. Choose your preferred method below. [?]
    Choose verification method... Add a META tag Upload an HTML file
    Copy the META tag listed below and paste it in your site's home page in the first <HEAD> section of the page, before the first <BODY> section."

  • #2
    Re: Adding google verification meta tags

    Sunny.. I would take the option where I have to add the tag.. to do so:

    Open your page in BV
    Right click
    select page HTML
    Click on the tab 'Between head tag'
    Insert the META tag provided by the Googlers..
    Resubmit your page (or in the case of being with Google Partners or other commercial services, reload your entire Page HTML into their servers direct).


    • #3
      Re: Adding google verification meta tags

      Hi guys,
      In my case, I got this long Google registration code, which I pasted into the 'between head tag' as Carlos describes. In addition, Google wanted me to make a sitemap called sitemap.htm, uploaded to my BV host server, which I did. This sitemap was to be in a Google format (not the ROR format). They then informed me that the sitemap had been verified
      After a few hiccups and a long wait, all my site pages are now referenced by Google.
      I don't know whether the registration of the sitemap had anything to do with this, or it was just a matter of time before the Googlebot got around to indexing all the pages.
      To date there are no "comprehensive statistics" but it is nice to know that Google has found no crawl errors.
      If anyone is in doubt as to whether they should register with Google's sitemap system, my feeling is that whatever Google want's, you should do. Jump on the Google bus, they will rule the world.


      • #4
        Re: Adding google verification meta tags

        I have built my web site using the "ror" sitemap generator and published it back in May 2006.... I have had Google crawl my site, but it will not find any keywords for direct links to my index page...... I have Metatags and also used the "ror.html" with my sitemap....... but somehow..... Google nor Yahoo will find my site.....except using the full name of the site......Google has crawled my site each month for the last 3 months.......still no hits using metatag words nor direct page words....

        My google sitemap stats show me with "no errors"......

        Can you help me ????

        My site is

        Thanks -


        • #5
          Re: Adding google verification meta tags

          what exactly is BV? having a real hard time with this problem!!!


          • #6
            Re: Adding google verification meta tags

            Blue Voda = BV Short for Blue Voda website builder.



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            • #7
              Re: Adding google verification meta tags

              Originally posted by Calvin001 View Post
              ........Google has crawled my site each month for the last 3 months.......still no hits using metatag words nor direct page words..........
              Sorry Calvin old chap but it ain't quite as easy as that.

              Have you done any keyword research? The fact that you have included your favourite keywords on your site is no guarantee that your site will figure in Google's search results for those words.

              Search Engine Optimisation is somewhere between an art and a science, it is a multi-million pound business so you have got to put in those long lonely hours researching the optimum words and phrases for your site to even have a sniff of a chance of success.

              If you haven't already, try for starters.


              • #8
                Re: Adding google verification meta tags

                I understand what bv is and i've downloaded it, but how do i open my page in it. i already have a website through so i don't know how that works, can anyone answer this one?????


                • #9
                  Re: Adding google verification meta tags

                  You cant mix and match builders. You cant open the site in bv. You might be able to import parts of thru html .. instead of new, choose open new from existing html. But youd sitll have to play with it. Youd be better off pretty much DUPLICATING the look in bv.



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                  • #10
                    Re: Adding google verification meta tags

                    I had a similar problem recently, just found this thread and thought I'd post my observations, I had a related problem with my site

                    I deleted the google verification file because I didn't know I had to keep it there, and suddenly my site becase unverified and my key search term Nottingham Jazz has plunged down google's index! Hopefully it will come back up soon.


                    • #11
                      Re: Adding google verification meta tags

                      Originally posted by nottinghamjazz View Post
                      I had a similar problem recently, just found this thread and thought I'd post my observations, I had a related problem with my site

                      I deleted the google verification file because I didn't know I had to keep it there, and suddenly my site becase unverified and my key search term Nottingham Jazz has plunged down google's index! Hopefully it will come back up soon.
                      Deleting your verification file had nothing whatsoever to your site's placement on the search engines.

                      Your poor and incorrectly keyworded pages might have though
                      Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


                      • #12
                        Re: Adding google verification meta tags

                        I'm still having a lot of trouble getting my "Google Verification Tag". Where do I get that? Is it from submitting your site map or is it from Google Analytics?

                        Can someone let me know if I have it installed right? The site is

