How to Import an existing HTML page into BlueVoda

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  • jimchicago
    Importing existing HTML pages into BV

    BV's ability to import existing HTML pages directly from the Web is amazing (although I have no idea whether other web design programs can do the same). Two things that I think should be mentioned in the video tutorial:

    1) The URL you type into the "Import HTML Page" dialog box must begin with "http://". Yes, the tutorial shows those characters being typed in before "" but it does not say they are REQUIRED in order for BV to import the page. I must have tried a dozen times or more to import various pages before "discovering" this requirement. Remember, it is now common to refer (both in writing and in conversation) to domains without the "http://" and even the "www."

    2) Many existing web pages are copyrighted works. This 'Import Existing HTML' tool makes it very easy for a VH customer to grab someone else's web page, tweak it any way they want to, and post it to any domain the customer controls. This of course would be a copyright violation for which the customer could be sued. There should be a warning in the tutorial, and maybe even in the tool itself when it's used, about copyright infringement.

    These enhancements to the video tutorial seem like they would be easy to make . . . and could save BV users a lot of time and trouble.

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  • SEvans
    Re: How to Import an existing HTML page into BlueVoda

    Thank goodness this tutorial says that you will have editing to do! I imported a page I did in word and it now has a lot of editing since importing to BV.

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  • VodaHost
    started a topic How to Import an existing HTML page into BlueVoda

    How to Import an existing HTML page into BlueVoda
