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Looked into it and believe someone in BV has used it (sorry can't remember who). Word of caution, some people conference on there comp, nothing is more annoying than been interrupted in the middle of something.
Unless you have the option of turning it off, really think about users first.
There is a tutorial on adding elements Media player, Java, Flash , and others. The direct answer is yes. The tool bar on the right has the circle with lightning bolt through it is the button for adding flash. Since your not really building flash I would assume they will deliver you a download to your computer and they will tell you how to add it to your site. Often it's Java script ment to be loaded on html. Just speculation, never used them
so I can't tell you exactually.
Site Pal is a great tool and I too am trying to setup the java/html script. The site pal instructions say to enter in a head script and then a body script but i'm having problems.