Rename file

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  • Manfred
    Sergeant First Class

    • Aug 2006
    • 51

    Rename file

    Man, this can be frustrating! When I changed my homepage file name from "Manfredeye" to "index," the program retained the "Manfredeye" file. I don't want to end up wiping out all of my previous work. How do I solve this dilemma?
  • Collectors-info

    • Feb 2006
    • 8703

    Re: Rename file

    Hi, if your ever a little unsure about making a changes, I always have a folder called bv before they where changed, & make a back up of my work. IE: copy your bv work into this folder before you make changes. All BV has done in your situation has retain your original work & copied it as a new file name. The only dilemma you may have? Is if you started your site with the home page name as manfredeye & not index? I assume that other pages you have made will link back to this as manfredeye & will not work until you go through them & change any links to as your home page. An easy way to find out is publish the index page & you should be able to access it via the above link. Then go one step at a time on linking others back to it as a home page & republish these one at a time.

    Good luck.

    Regards Chris.

    Collectables, Collecting,

    House build project

