I am not sure how to look at my web site with all of the links put in before going live on the net. Things like the page sizing to be sure it looks OK and then to test my links. Thanks for your help folks.
How can I see what my site will look like before going live?
Re: How can I see what my site will look like before going live?
In BlueVoda two options:
1- Preview button
2-File > Preview in Browser
Re: How can I see what my site will look like before going live?
Also, untill you actually do some internet promotions your ok, you can work on the site and build it and look at it live. Its when your officially done with the site and start "submitting it to search engines" that you want to make sure you have everything correct and finished.
It's good advice to then wait at least 20-30 days before making any other changes.