Text order jumbled when viewing source

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  • JohnHart

    • Sep 2006
    • 4

    Text order jumbled when viewing source

    Apologies if this has been menitoned before but there are thousands of post and the search engine in this forum is not, shall we say, the best.

    after i've created a web page, aligned all the different blocks of text the same distance from the left, when i view the page source, the article appears all over the place. the fifth paragraph comes up at the top. all adsense html, even that at the bottom of the page, is above all text.

    obviously we are all trying to rank well in search engines and are looking to our on page optimization but what can we do when all we enter is shaken about and thrown out in a complete mess?

    anyvody have any ideas or tips about how they've solved this?

    many thanks

  • davidundalicia

    • Mar 2006
    • 6294

    Re: Text order jumbled when viewing source

    If you post your website url here, we can take a look and maybe help you....
    Have fun
    Regards..... David

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    • Bethers
      Major General & Forum Moderator

      • Feb 2006
      • 5224

      Re: Text order jumbled when viewing source

      The se's haven't been having any trouble with that on my stores.

      I do believe that with BV the order you place the items on the page has something to do with the order they are showing up on your view source. So you could experiment with a page and see if that's it - then you could recreate them in the order you want things to appear.

      I don't know that the se's read the view source as you do - my understanding is they read the page in order from top left - if that's the case, they can unjumble the source. But I'm not sure on that. I just know that they jumbled source hasn't hurt me in my rankings or in moving up in the se results.
      A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

      SEO and Marketing Tools
      SEO - The Basics


      • JohnHart

        • Sep 2006
        • 4

        Re: Text order jumbled when viewing source

        good advice - i'll try that thanks.

        not published yet so no url. if i continue with the problem i'll publish and post here


