for Bethers

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  • bubbee21
    First Lieutenant

    • Sep 2006
    • 193

    for Bethers

    Hi Beth,

    I have been busy all afternoon following your instructions in your answer to me. I have gotten rid of all caps, and underlines, and changed and added to meta tags. I have changed the titles in the page properties so that they reflect what is actually on the page. I hope this is what you meant by "search engine optimization". If not, please advise what yu did mean.

    I didn't quite understand what you meant by "into a market by means of your Yiddish background". Do you mean for me to make more jewelry with Jewish themes? To put into meta tags words such as Yiddish, Jewish, (which I already did) .... or to totally revise my site in some other way?

    Beth, I honestly don't remember you telling me these things before. I must be getting senile. but NOW I NOW (note the

    Thanks again ... you are my forum guru. Mindy
  • Bethers
    Major General & Forum Moderator

    • Feb 2006
    • 5224

    Re: for Bethers

    Yes, you are getting it! Now, don't shoot me - I don't think I realized that you don't have your navigation menu on all your pages. You really need to add it! People need to be able to get from whatever page they're on to whatever page they want to see from where they are. It has to be as easy as possible for them.

    As to the Yiddish/Jewish mention - and please, no one tell me I'm asking anyone to do anything wrong on anti- any other religion or group. - I know of 2 websites that are very successful online because they have worked within their Jewish heritage market. I do not mean that the jewelry needs to be more with Jewish themes, but just by how you describe yourself and the site - you could easily contact many Jewish synagogues or organizations and probably get a lot of business from them. They DO purchase from within their own group when they can.

    You've done a good job with the titles, but now I'm going to make you go back and do them even better. Your name isn't known - people won't be searching for it - so you need your name LAST. For example, on the Christmas page - a good title would be "Christmas Beaded Jewelry Collection at Bubbee's Beads".

    (And do you need the black background for the red text? I think the text would look much better right against the green of the page.)

    Okies, new problems - your Chanukah page opens in a new window - you need to fix that - but you also need to get your own header on the top. It needs to be on every page. People always need to know what website they're on. Search engines will NOT always send people to your home page - as it is now, if they send someone to an interior page, the people don't know what website they're on and have no navigation to get to other pages. (Now you can see why you need to add the navigation and header).

    On this page a good title would be Chanukah inspired beaded jewelry from Bubbee's Beads.

    OK, I just keep giving you more work to do - and lol, I'm getting senile right along with you - but if you keep going and keep improving - you'll see results. Eventually.
    A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

    SEO and Marketing Tools
    SEO - The Basics


    • bubbee21
      First Lieutenant

      • Sep 2006
      • 193

      Re: for Bethers

      Beth, you are an unbellievable person. I'm beginning to think that perhaps I should get rid of all the glitz and just sell my jewelry. All those cliparts and animations and different it true that it better to be consistant from page to page? do I put the menu of pages on each I have to do the links on all the pages? Can I cut and paste........Oy Vey what did I get myself Mindy


      • bubbee21
        First Lieutenant

        • Sep 2006
        • 193

        Re: for Bethers

        Oh Beth, by the way, I redid my links page, and each of the sites has my link on it.......phew! did something right :)))


        • Bethers
          Major General & Forum Moderator

          • Feb 2006
          • 5224

          Re: for Bethers

          LOL about that you did something right! And while that's very good - it's good if you find some authority sites that you link to without even asking for a reciprocal link. SE's like that, too.

          There should be certain consistency from page to page - for example the header and navigation - so people can easily find their way around and back and forth. I do not have a problem with some color changes - like a green background on the Christmas page, for example.

          I also don't see a problem with a small amount of clipart or fun stuff - as long as it fits with your website and/or who you are - cuz since this is your jewelry and you're presenting yourself as you are on the home page - it's okay to be "you". But you never want to forget that in the long run, you built the store to sell your product. Don't overdo extraneous stuff.

          Then, find the markets that you can work into the easiest - and get in them - which is why I suggested the Jewish communities on and off line. Believe me, they all have bubbee's! Let that work for you.
          A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

          SEO and Marketing Tools
          SEO - The Basics


          • bubbee21
            First Lieutenant

            • Sep 2006
            • 193

            Re: for Bethers

            You are a living doll............thx M

