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RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated digital content, such as blogs, news feeds or podcasts.
If you have the new IE7 you will see that you have the RSS icon at the top of your browser to show all your suscribed RSS feeds.
Programs known as feed readers or aggregators can check a list of feeds on behalf of a user and display any updated articles that they find. It is common to find web feeds on major websites and many smaller ones. Some websites let people choose between RSS or Atom formatted web feeds; others offer only RSS or only Atom.
On Web pages, web feeds (RSS or Atom) are typically linked with the word "Subscribe", an orange rectangle, , or with the letters or . Many news aggregators such as My Yahoo! publish subscription buttons for use on Web pages to simplify the process of adding news feeds.
Aloha Jeremy, this info is really good to know. Lately when I click on someone's rss, it has shown html. Is it redundant to have rss and a blog on your website?
Since you brought up the RSS feed, I will make an other post later explaining how to make it step-by-step using BlueVoda, but for now you can go to this website link above.
Ok Jeremy,
Went to the site you recommended. But, how do you use the RSS that comes in BlueVoda. Does it not work, and we need to do it the HTML way? All I ever get on my site using the RSS in BlueVoda, is HTML on my site if I click on the RSS icon (which is the only thing that shows on my site page)