bvp files on my computer

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  • skyelinARTS

    • Nov 2006
    • 33

    bvp files on my computer


    I have been offline for quite a while and just went to BV to look at my files. When i open BV, there is only my Templates and Images folders and all my website pages seem to have vanished. I am horrified! Must I rebuild all that I did to create my existing web pages? Can you tell me if there is a way to retrieve my original files?

    Thanks, Skye Lin
    skye lin ARTS
  • navaldesign
    General & Forum Moderator

    • Oct 2005
    • 12080

    Re: HELP! Lost My .bvp files for Website!

    Files don't just get lost. You have either accidentally deleted them, or moved them.

    Try a search in computer resources, for .bvp to see if it can find any files with .bvp extension, or look in your Cycle Bin, to see if they are there.

    If, by any chance, they are definately deleted, you can re-import the pages from your site back to BV. File, New Page, from exixting HTML Page. You will need some work (recreating menubars and arranging the front/back order, but 90 % of your work will be there.
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    • skyelinARTS

      • Nov 2006
      • 33

      Re: bvp files on my computer

      Thanks for your speedy reply and suggestions. I found my files in my computer and put them back into BV. All the images are gone though. Is there a way to locate them as well? Or must i redo them?

      My computer did an automatic restart last week and I found many files scattered across my desktop. I wonder if this glitch occured during that time. I definitely did not move or delete my files and nothing is in my recycle bin related to my website.

      I am happy and relieved to have the majority of my files discovered. If I need to reinsert logos. photos and pix, that is far less work than starting over from scratch! Should I be making a back-up disk to store my BV website files on? Now I am worried about this happening again...

      Thanks, Skye Lin
      skye lin ARTS


      • navaldesign
        General & Forum Moderator

        • Oct 2005
        • 12080

        Re: bvp files on my computer

        I beleive that your images will be as well somewhere in your computer. Anyway, the images are also saved in BV's "Images" folder, so if you have found the files, look at the same place also for the "Images" folder, and retreive your images from there.
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        • LadyEye
          General & Forum Moderator

          • Jun 2006
          • 10526

          Re: bvp files on my computer

          Here are some of my discoveries as I made a change over from one computer to another just this past week.

          Process used - "Home networking"

          I moved everything - all my .bvp files - all my images, photos etc. formone computer to another.

          The .bvp files on the new computer are there for me to open - text appears, .gif files or .jpeg files reports images not found on the .bvp file itself - interesting though that any images placed in the ad banner rotator show up on the .bvp file as though they are still there - viewing my site via it's url on the internet everything is as it should appear - I worried what would happen when I updated a page and republished it - not a problem everything is just as it should be - the only thing I am missing is a viewing of the .gifs and .jpegs on the .bvp file via my page builder - I can however see the actual layout - so not a big deal to reinsert these images if I want but doesn't matter if I choose not to ....

          Now another discovery if you believe you have deleted something, emptied the recycle bin, etc., on your own computer here is what I discovered

          - during the process of "networking" my files from one computer to another I managed to delete some things before actually checking that I had made the transfer, as well I had emptied my recycle bin - well to let you all know that I thought they were gone - but they in fact were not. What I am saying is, if you think you have cleaned out your computer - YOU HAVE NOT - a search on your computer will actually find these files for you - I was able to retrieve files again that I thought were gone - I've read and heard about this before, now I actually have seen it with my own "two eyes" ...


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          • navaldesign
            General & Forum Moderator

            • Oct 2005
            • 12080

            Re: bvp files on my computer

            Images will show, on your web page, even if they don't show in the page in BV and in preview, simply because they are already uploaded on the server, with the axcact same name that has been used in the bv page. So, if you edit the page and republish, they will show ok. If you place a new image in the page, BV will upload this one when the page is published.
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            • LadyEye
              General & Forum Moderator

              • Jun 2006
              • 10526

              Re: bvp files on my computer

              Yes that's right Naval and I was totally delighted to see this in action - meant I didn't have to do that work right away if I didn't want to .... I was delighted to say the least .....


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