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How do I Start?

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  • How do I Start?

    How do I start ? All I see is directions and I can't see where it says build now your web sight !!!!

  • #2
    Re: How do I start ?

    I just about felt heartbroken reading your post. Sorry to say, but BlueVoda isn't one of those types of web builders....the ones that tell you to fill in some info, choose between a few simple layouts, pick a color...

    ....leading from step 1 to step 5 by clicking "Next,...Next,....Next,...Build It!".... Sorry, BV isn't one of those. Which is why it is AWESOME!!!

    You can do just about anything you set your mind to with BlueVoda.

    If you are just now starting to explore web design, try going through the tutorials one more time. Then search around through the forums for posts that may provide helpful tips or answers to any questions you have along the way.

    Also, it really helps everyone when you be specific about the information you are trying to seek.
    Your Visual Revolution Solution

