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Tamplates-size of the page

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  • Tamplates-size of the page

    If I understand correctly, tamplates are sort of canvas on which you create your page.
    What is a normal size of page (like this one and what is the size of tamplates?
    I can upload a tamplate on my page but it is to small. If I drag the tamplate arround the page, the quality is lost.
    What should be the size of the page so that taplate will fit?

  • #2


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    • #3

      I still have a problem how to size templates or pages. Tamplates seem to be to small to fit on the normal size page-600x800. Allmost 1/3 border of the page is not covered with template.
      Any suggestions regarding templates?
      Your tips have been very usefull and more than I work with BlueVoda, mora I understand how to bild a site.
      Here is what I am planing to do:
      -create a home page
      -create every other sub-pages
      -link them together
      Before I launch my site I have to put some articles, photos and name-list on it. Is the space on your server ment for storing that kind of things?


      • #4
        Stick with the 600x800 a little white space on the left or the right never kiiled any body. Look at as an expample...lots of white space and avery attractive site.


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        • #5
          Got your tip. Not to flashy or croudy then.


          • #6
            Re: Tamplates-size of the page



            • #7
              Re: Tamplates-size of the page

              Hello all
              Checking in for the first time. I more or less put my neck on the line by agreeing to put up and maintain a website for a company, without knowing how. BlueVoda seems the easiest way out, although I have no idea what things like flash, Java and Script do. Can I get along without it? No doubt I will learn as the project progress. Forum seems a wonderful facility if I get stuck.


              • #8
                Re: Tamplates-size of the page

                hello first post here I also have a problem with a voda template sizing when I bring it up it tiles itself to fillup the page even when my page size is at 800x600 the temp apear to be 600x600 m_219 is the temp # from the first group I hope ive explained this correctly thanks for your imput.


                • #9
                  Re: Tamplates-size of the page

                  Originally posted by Dalene Slabbert
                  Hello all
                  Checking in for the first time. I more or less put my neck on the line by agreeing to put up and maintain a website for a company, without knowing how. BlueVoda seems the easiest way out, although I have no idea what things like flash, Java and Script do. Can I get along without it? No doubt I will learn as the project progress. Forum seems a wonderful facility if I get stuck.
                  BV has lots of tools to do lots of things. You don't really have to do without the flash, java, script, whatever, but you don'e necessarily need them, either, it just depends on your site.

                  Read the tutorials, and then make a plan for the site you want. Then, start building. As you do different things, you will wnat to reread a tutorial or to to help you
                  If you get sstuck, so a forum search, and if you don't get an answer post a question.

                  Please note that it is proper to start your own thread when you have a question, rather than 'hitch hike' on another post, as your question will usually not get answered or addressed.

                  Good Luck

                  Ring the bells that still can ring


                  • #10
                    Re: Tamplates-size of the page

                    First post. It is a good idea to size your page slightly smaller then the 800 width of an 800 x 600 page. This allows for the scroll bar in the browser window. So a template that is, say 780px wide is perfect. If you do not want vertical scrolling then adjust height to take into account the browser header.
                    When designing a site I like my home page not to scoll at all. Looks more elegant (imho).
                    I think the template you have downloaded is for small screen resolution.


                    • #11
                      Re: Tamplates-size of the page

                      Actually this is my first time here, I am already envisaging something wonderful. I really want to commend the team that conceived this idea. I am really grategul. I also hope that I am going to have a nice time here.

                      Originally posted by proactivator
                      First post. It is a good idea to size your page slightly smaller then the 800 width of an 800 x 600 page. This allows for the scroll bar in the browser window. So a template that is, say 780px wide is perfect. If you do not want vertical scrolling then adjust height to take into account the browser header.
                      When designing a site I like my home page not to scoll at all. Looks more elegant (imho).
                      I think the template you have downloaded is for small screen resolution.


                      • #12
                        Re: Tamplates-size of the page


                        I have a question too! I sized my pages 900(width) x 1200 (height) which seems nice to me. I put a lot of stuff in the index page which I believe is used by spiders to index the page. Now the question is will this size create a horizontal scrolling bar?

                        600(width) x 800(height) seems too small to me. The index page can only accomodate a small portion of what is in the website. What should I do? I don't wish any of the pages to have a horizontal scrolling bar.
                        Thanks VH!


                        • #13
                          Re: Tamplates-size of the page

                          Hi Kachano,
                          With larger monitors used more and more, higher resolutions will show the whole page with a page width of 900px, but we should design for those who will visit our sites who have small monitors and who will be using low resolutions. In such situations a 900px page will have a horizontal scrolling bar. Ask yourself: how do you feel when you have to scroll horizontally? I thought so! To have a default width to your page of slightly less than 800 is considered good design. Do not try to cram everything into your index page. It is where you introduce yourself in a way that gets the visitor interested in seeing more of what you have to offer. Put alot of thought and your best design talents into your index page
                          Regards, James


                          • #14
                            Re: Tamplates-size of the page

                            Hi James,

                            Thanks very much for a lovely advice. I'll definitely do as you suggested. Would you mind if I asked you for help? :)
                            Thanks VH!


                            • #15
                              Re: Tamplates-size of the page

                              Hi Kachano,
                              Feel free to ask, but there is an awful lot I don't know!
                              Regards, James.

