My site is http://jamesbartondesign.com and I am wondering if I am going the right way about my basic site structure. The site is image dependant ie. I have pages of thumnail images which, when a thumnail is clicked leads to a new page which shows an image of the product with detail, price and eventaully "add to basket" for purchase via a shopping cart. The thought behind this is to have small pages as far as content is concerned so that load times are short and also minimal number of pages that need scrolling. But eventaully there will be nigh on a hundred pages. How does a site actually load: is each page only called up as it is clicked? Now I am wondering If I should use the gallery feature in bluevoda and have the clicked thumbnail open on the same page. With the gallery feature used, do the full sized images reside in that page? Because if they do it may lead to bloated content which takes too long to load.
Advice would be much appreciated.
My site is http://jamesbartondesign.com and I am wondering if I am going the right way about my basic site structure. The site is image dependant ie. I have pages of thumnail images which, when a thumnail is clicked leads to a new page which shows an image of the product with detail, price and eventaully "add to basket" for purchase via a shopping cart. The thought behind this is to have small pages as far as content is concerned so that load times are short and also minimal number of pages that need scrolling. But eventaully there will be nigh on a hundred pages. How does a site actually load: is each page only called up as it is clicked? Now I am wondering If I should use the gallery feature in bluevoda and have the clicked thumbnail open on the same page. With the gallery feature used, do the full sized images reside in that page? Because if they do it may lead to bloated content which takes too long to load.
Advice would be much appreciated.