editing html text

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  • lorikirstein
    Second Lieutenant

    • Mar 2007
    • 116


    editing html text

    My index page comes up with the hyperlinked words "create website" at the top, center of my page. I don't want it there, and I have no idea what I've done, nor how to move it nor turn those words into a VodaHost logo.

    Any help out there for me?

    Acting Teacher, Actor, Singer

    "Remember, if you're getting kicked from behind, you must be out in front!"
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Voda Ad - my site just says "create website"

    Oh, my! Isn't that the "watermark" on the blank workpage in BV?

    Did you first Save your page before publishing?
    And although this sounds funny to ask, are you sure you are publishing to the proper server?

    Lastly, which version of BV are you using?


    I think I know!
    Are you trying to insert a VH Affiliate banner onto your page???
    Do you know how to insert code into a HTML box, or did you simply paste it onto your page?
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • Vasili

      • Mar 2006
      • 14683

      Re: Voda Ad - my site just says "create website"

      That is definitely a link to a "Blue Voda" site....comes from a banner code you pasted into your page (by pasting "onto" your page, BV automatically inserted it 'into' the page code) rather than into a HTML box, which is created by using the icon on the left edge of the BV toolbar.

      When you click on the icon, a box will appear with "HTML HTML" runnig acros it >> double clik on that box, and a dialog box will present >> paste the code there.

      You can size the HTML box to similar size of the button or banner your have chosen, but the reference point that both coincides with the box and the code iself is the upper left corner of the box, nothing else: the code specifies what sizae image is to be created, not the size of your HTML box you inserted code into!

      To remove this "Create Website" text code from your BV page, double-click on your page in BV >> HTML >> and find whre it has been placed >> carefully delete it, and nothing more!

      Re-Save & re-Publish your page. THEN go in and create your HTML box and paste in that box your selected banner code.

      and on you go....
      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
      * Success Is Potential Realized *


      • Collectors-info

        • Feb 2006
        • 8703

        Re: Voda Ad - my site just says "create website"

        Hi, its in the head under your tags, may also be worth checking the page html when you right click on an empty space on your BV page & going through the tabs in this area. IE: Between the head.
        Another quick trick is to also right click on your BV page & in properties change the background colour to something like blue to see if there area any BV text boxes hiding on the page.

        <META NAME="Robots" CONTENT="All, Index, Follow">
        <META NAME="Revisit" CONTENT="30 days">
        <META NAME="Rating" CONTENT="General">
        <META NAME="Language" CONTENT="en-us">
        <a href="http://www.bluevoda.com">create website</a>

        Ah! I see Vasili posted with some extra tips wile i was pondering. Good luck
        Regards Chris.

        Collectables, Collecting, collectors-info.com


        House build project


        • lorikirstein
          Second Lieutenant

          • Mar 2007
          • 116

          Re: Voda Ad - my site just says &quot;create website&quot;

          Ahhh - thank you Vasili and Chris!

          I have fixed that part of the problem! The next step is to have a logo rather than the words in there, and have the logo be the link. How do I accomplish this? Is there a special link on VodaHost that I can follow to get a logo?

          Thank you, Gentlemen!

          Rocking on! - Lori
          Acting Teacher, Actor, Singer

          "Remember, if you're getting kicked from behind, you must be out in front!"


          • Collectors-info

            • Feb 2006
            • 8703

            Re: Voda Ad - my site just says &quot;create website&quot;

            Hi, if it’s a vodahost banner you would like. Join the affiliate program (link at bottom of page) This only takes a few seconds & you may even earn some money from it?
            Once you have joined (It’s all free) have a look at the selection of banners & cut & paste the code from the box next to the banner & place in an html box on your page.
            The rest is automatic.
            Regards Chris.

            Collectables, Collecting, collectors-info.com


            House build project


            • lorikirstein
              Second Lieutenant

              • Mar 2007
              • 116

              Re: editing html text

              Thank you! That helped tremendously. All done!
              Acting Teacher, Actor, Singer

              "Remember, if you're getting kicked from behind, you must be out in front!"

