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  • metatags?

    good morning to all

    i have a q i did my meta tags and it used to work when you search for my web site it would be on there my company name and about company but now its not i have reset my cpanel( i think that might have something to do w/ it)

    now it says
    1. Index of /
      Index of / Name Last modified Size Description. Parent Directory 21-Apr-2007 05:54 - 000back_left.jpg 21-Apr-2007 05:52 7k ... - 3k - Cached - More from this site
    we want jovvijsonline to show when you type in jovvijsonline on the first line ( not index of / )!!!

    weve chaged name of page to jovvijsonline but i was told that the page is to be named index

    after we chaged the page name in bv on page properties and saved the page as jovvijsonline we looked the page up and its still the same

    please can anyone help :)
    thank you in advance


  • #2
    Re: metatags?

    Your front page, or landing page HAS to be named 'index' or
    it won't show up! When anyone accesses a .com or .org or any other
    domain, the server will look for and pull up the 'index' page, only.
    Brad Arnold.......

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    • #3
      Re: metatags?

      Hi... Your index page should be saved and published as index... Make your Title look good and description read well... because the title and description are what will appear when indexed by the Search Engines... Doug


      • #4
        Re: metatags?

        As Doug says - you are confusing the name of the page for publishing purposes with the page title. They are completely different things - and by renaming the page for publishing - you no longer had an index page that could be found or seen on the net at all - which is why that was showing up. Do as suggested - and read about the titles/descriptions - a good place might be to click on and read the SEO Ebook in my signature (last link).
        A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

        SEO and Marketing Tools
        SEO - The Basics


        • #5
          Re: metatags?

          Ok I know I will sound stupid but...when I open my metatag for my index page the first box should be keywords that I want people to use for my site right? Why can't I search for my site by name? Soryy total newbie here!


          • #6
            Re: metatags?

            niome, I don't follow your question. You can search for your site anyway you want to - but the se's might not show you by that search if your site isn't optimized for the terms - and even if it is - it will take time to move up and overtake other sites that have been around longer for the same terms.

            As to the meta keywords - they really won't help you with being found by se's for the words - se's pretty much ignore them now. That said, it doesn't hurt to fill them in - just make sure they are the real keywords on the page in question.
            A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

            SEO and Marketing Tools
            SEO - The Basics


            • #7
              Re: metatags?

              Niome... Yes people can search for your domain just by entering your domain name in their browser... if they are going to use a search engine like google or yahoo.. then you need to submit your domain to the search engine companies... Voda Host offers an inexpensive submision service for that purpose...Just as Bethers says Title.. page content (the key words you use on your index page) and page description (found in right click page properties) are important to Search engines...Hope that helps... Doug


              • #8
                Re: metatags?

                No, Doug, you do NOT need to submit to se's- if you do your site properly and have links to it that are needed for se's to move the site up properly in ranking, you'll never have to submit a site to the se's. However, you CAN submit - it will not help you in ranking or in your optimization - and just cuz they found you this way, doesn't mean they'll show you.
                A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

                SEO and Marketing Tools
                SEO - The Basics

