Silly little thing...has anyone experienced this before?

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  • Manda Panda

    • Feb 2007
    • 11

    Silly little thing...has anyone experienced this before?

    Howdy Folks, have'nt posted in a while, and cant wait to show you my new site shortly, but am having a little niggly issue at mo, which Im unsure how to rectify.
    I downloaded the newer BV 9.1 awhiles ago and am impressed with its added features. Though this week I am typing text in a text frame/box and as I preview my work the text written presents itself in Bold even though I have not applied bold to the text.
    This sounds rather strange and silly, but I cant seem to avoid this happening and its frustrating me greatly as I want my text displayed in a certain font correctly minus the thicker bold text.

    I have created new text on a new blank page and in another created page to see if the same thing occured. Interesting thing is, on a new page the text is seen as normal - minus being bold when I preview.
    When typing new text in created pages the text reverts to bold in the preview.
    I have tried copy and pasting text from a new blank page to apply it to my created pages to see if that would fix the problem, though in preview the same bold effect occurs.
    On pages in BV as I work with them, text is displayed as normal, its only in preview that the text becomes bold.
    I have also published a page to see if the bold effect applies.
    To my dismay it does!

    I have never experienced this in the 4 months I have been using BV.

    Have others experienced this glitch before? Any suggestions on a remedy?

    I feel silly for posting this problem, but unsure what else to do!

    Many Thanks for help
    manda panda