gallery in bluevoda

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  • babuneg

    • Oct 2005
    • 4

    gallery in bluevoda

    i am using bluevoda and its going well. this is my first time building a website and i am thinking about the following:

    when using the gallery in bluevoda and putting something like 20 images in it, will the images be fully loaded in the gallery page ??? or are they resized automatically
    because if they are fully loaded, it's gonna make the loading very slow and use a lot of bandwidth specially when i am talking about big images

    thanks alot
  • Girlonthehill

    • Oct 2005
    • 4193

    Hi there, dunno if this will help but it helped me, the gallery pics are nice, small and neat then when you click on them it brings up an enlargement in a seperate view. Also recommend Pix resizer - a most excellent and easy to use image re-sizing tool - follow the link:

    Good luck and happy designing,

    Originally posted by babuneg
    i am using bluevoda and its going well. this is my first time building a website and i am thinking about the following:

    when using the gallery in bluevoda and putting something like 20 images in it, will the images be fully loaded in the gallery page ??? or are they resized automatically
    because if they are fully loaded, it's gonna make the loading very slow and use a lot of bandwidth specially when i am talking about big images

    thanks alot


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    • babuneg

      • Oct 2005
      • 4


      thanks amanda for your reply

      the thing is they are small in the gallery but they are still big in size , and if i resize them i will get small images when i click on them :s
      donno if u understand me, but thanks again ;)



      • Girlonthehill

        • Oct 2005
        • 4193

        Hi again
        Pix resizer lets you re-size them to whatever size you want but also does other magic stuff to make them quicker to download but keep the image *****. When I click on my gallery images I get enlargements that are about 1/3 rd of a screen, but you could have them bigger. I have 16 pics in one of my gallerys and it still downloads quickly. Pix resizer is free and quick to download! If this doesn't help - someone will be by soon who will help you more - I'm a newbie myself :o) look forward to seeing your site!
        Cheers, am off on me hols now.....


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