Making a better pop-up

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  • bpflyr
    First Sergeant

    • Jul 2007
    • 72

    Making a better pop-up

    I have sort of conversed with Bethers on this, but...

    I am trying to have BV do this:

    When a customer clicks on a photo thumbnail, a pop-up would come up that then has a larger and higher resolution photo, the "add to cart" button, and some other info. Bethers suggested that this new pop-up be a separate page. Will this be disk space prohibative (I have about 70 photos)? Can I make the new window (or page) a certain size so it looks like a pop-up? How do I do this (I am really new!)

    Also, if it's just easier to have the pop-up come up as a pop-up, is there any way that I can change the background color to black?

  • Andy128
    Major General

    • Dec 2005
    • 2317

    Re: Making a better pop-up

    Yes this is possible and not to complicated.
    First- create the page that will contain the larger picture. You must place all contents of this page in the upper most left corner of the page. You can leave spacing- but for the most part your working canvas will be from the upper left corner. You can center text, paypal buttons accordingly. See the attached picture as a reference.

    Now for the pop-up part. The code to create a pop up is actually attached to the link. So if you are hyperlinking a small picture to this webpage containing your large picture and paypal button your would link it like so;
    #" onClick="'http://www.yourdomain/yourpagewith_big_picture.html', '','width=350,height=550'); return false;"
    Now you can see that I left a border on the left side of 50pix. The picture ends at 300pix. So to make the borders even- I made the size of the pop up 350pix wide. So if you want to make the background black-you can do so and it will show up. The background will not show if you make the size of the pop-up the exact size of the picture.

    Be sure to make a page title, description, and meta tags for this page. Even though it is being used as a small page pop-up- it is still a webpage and will count on your statistics and web crawling bots.

    Hope I didn't leave anything out.

    **PS- The picture is of my beautiful daughter who graduated this year.
    Attached Files
    PHP- is a blast!


    • bpflyr
      First Sergeant

      • Jul 2007
      • 72

      Re: Making a better pop-up

      That sounds great!! However, when I go to try it out (by pressing the preview button up top), Internet explorer comes up and tries to connect to my website. Being that I haven't published it yet, is there a way to see this "pop-up" work? By the way, congratulations on the daughter graduating. I have a few years yet before I can claim that honor!


      • Andy128
        Major General

        • Dec 2005
        • 2317

        Re: Making a better pop-up

        (Graduation) Thanks for that.

        As to the viewing of the pop-up - No, it will not work in preview. You must publish to the server to see how it works. Sorry.

        PHP- is a blast!


        • Bethers
          Major General & Forum Moderator

          • Feb 2006
          • 5224

          Re: Making a better pop-up

          Thanks for explaining it so well. And the reason to do it this way is because you DO want this to be spidered by the se's - these pages are way too important to not have the full credit.
          A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

          SEO and Marketing Tools
          SEO - The Basics


          • Andy128
            Major General

            • Dec 2005
            • 2317

            Re: Making a better pop-up

            Thanks Bethers! Great to hear from ya. Hope all is well.

            PHP- is a blast!


            • bpflyr
              First Sergeant

              • Jul 2007
              • 72

              Re: Making a better pop-up

              Thanks everybody!!!!!!!!!!!


              • Vasili

                • Mar 2006
                • 14683

                Re: Making a better pop-up

                Originally posted by Andy128 View Post
                Be sure to make a page title, description, and meta tags for this page. Even though it is being used as a small page pop-up- it is still a webpage and will count on your statistics and web crawling bots.

                Hope I didn't leave anything out.

                On-click pop-ups WILL indeed count toward your overall site metrics if your are using Blue Voda to create your sites, and the links to the pop-ups originate from a BV created page and if all the pages are included in an ROR file. They will not be "read" however, if the ROR file does not specifically list them in the proper order and upon first 'visit' they fall short of a high 'Perfect Page' modelling: the "on-click" command is an action similar to a script, and bots nor SE's read (or "interpret") scripts or commands, and this type of 'hyperlink' is by default ignored.

                This is a 'core' reason, for instance, Content on most Flash sites must be hard-coded with HTML files or sites themselves be morphed into combo-sites (*HINT* a ‘secret’ fix for VH Users: create websites by using a mixture of Flash elements embedded into either HTML or BV foundational pages) to achieve ther desired SE metrics and ranking values......not a task for the faint-hearted or the budget conscious as there are only a few worthy businesses truly capable of optimizing flash, and they charge the big bucks!
                . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                * Success Is Potential Realized *


                • bpflyr
                  First Sergeant

                  • Jul 2007
                  • 72

                  Re: Making a better pop-up

                  I am thinking for ease of use, just having the thumbnail link to a dedicated page on the site (not in the navigation menu). The customer will click on the thumbnail, which will go to another page with all the info I wanted on it.

                  a. Is there a better way to do this? My concern is having 70-100 pages. Will that affect download time, disk space, etc?

                  Again, I am trying to emulate several sites that I have seen. I would like to have a gallery of pics. When you click on a thumbnail, another window comes up with a larger pic, some information, and a "add to Cart" button. Am I on the right track with just having the thumbnail point to another page?

                  Thanks SOOOOO much for your input!!


                  • Andy128
                    Major General

                    • Dec 2005
                    • 2317

                    Re: Making a better pop-up

                    For ease of set up I would have gallery of smaller pictures with the paypal buttons and description underneath each- then if they click on the smaller picture- it would show them a more detailed picture only. Then they could "X" out of that pop up and order if they like.

                    Personally- I would stay away from smaller picture to web page link.
                    I am more familiar with and more comfortable view detailed images this way. Additionally- this will cut down on the amount of web pages you need to create. To do this- simple make have image1 correspond to imageA. Image1 will be the thumbnail and placed on the gallery. Then imageA will be the larger picture that you upload to the server with the FTP Manager. Then create the link to that larger image. Right click on the smaller image and in the properties- create a link to the imageA.

                    Faster and easier.

                    Now as to your worry about disc space. I have a folder on my computer with 6,000 family pictures and it only takes up 2gb of space. You have 600gb of disc space with VH! So with modest picture size you could theoretically have about 100,000 web pages and several thousand photos.

                    PHP- is a blast!


                    • bpflyr
                      First Sergeant

                      • Jul 2007
                      • 72

                      Re: Making a better pop-up

                      Thanks Andy128. I really appreciate everyone's response to this. Yeah, that sounds a lot easier.

                      Question. Being that I have a black background on my website, is there anyway that when I link my thumbnail to the larger picture that the new window comes up with a black background (just to keep everything the same)?


                      • Andy128
                        Major General

                        • Dec 2005
                        • 2317

                        Re: Making a better pop-up


                        In the first example when you placed a picture on a webpage in the upper left corner- in my example I left a border on the left and then made the total window width 100 pixs greater than the width of the picture. Then all you need to do is make the backbround for that page -black.

                        PHP- is a blast!


                        • bpflyr
                          First Sergeant

                          • Jul 2007
                          • 72

                          Re: Making a better pop-up

                          I guess what I was trying to ask was that if I just make the thumbnail hyperlink to the larger photograph (the .jpg I place on vodahost's server) it comes up in a separate window (looks like an internet explorer page). Is there a way to make the background black on that? That way I don't have a separate webpage for each photograph.


                          • bpflyr
                            First Sergeant

                            • Jul 2007
                            • 72

                            Re: Making a better pop-up

                            Please disregard the above message. What I found that works really well is to just make each thumbnail a gallery action. From there I can make the pics come up larger and on a separate pop-up.

                            My question is that is there any way to have the picture title come up in the new pop-up. Also is there any way to make the pop-up background black?


                            • Andy128
                              Major General

                              • Dec 2005
                              • 2317

                              Re: Making a better pop-up

                              The only way is to put each larger picture on a seperate web page- format as you want with description, background etc... and then reference that web page with the pop-up link.

                              PHP- is a blast!

