Pay Pal buttons

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  • mrmagoo144
    Brigadier General

    • Feb 2007
    • 1369

    Pay Pal buttons

    I have a page that I am using Pay Pal as the cash register. The page is:
    As you can see I have made my own Buy Now buttons and have used the add to cart button from the Blue Voda site builder. When a customer goes to the Pay Pal site by clicking the button, the only option the customer sees is "proceed to checkout". The customer is supposed to see "continue shopping" and "proceed to checkout" Please note the link works fine except for the options the customers see.
  • SStephenson
    Sergeant First Class

    • Feb 2007
    • 53

    Re: Pay Pal buttons

    Normally, If the buyer clicks a "buy now" button, they will not see a link to "continue shopping". If they click an "add to cart" button, they will see an option to "continue shopping".

    Also, make sure that you are using the same email address with PayPal for each button. If you don't, your cart will not function properly.

    As an FYI, I started with PayPal but have since switched to Mal's e-commerce instead. I find that Mal's provide more options than PayPal's cart and is a little easier to use. Mal's can integrate with PayPal for processing payments as well.

    Check Mal's out here... Also, it's FREE!

    Hope this helps,


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