file backup

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  • briansimons

    • May 2007
    • 26

    file backup

    Hi, my domain is
    I recently lost most of the files on my computer due to a virus and had to format the hard drive and try re-installing everything. The back up I had of my BV files was outdated. I tried copying files from my website to my BV file with the ftp manager, but the files are all html files and don't think I can convert them to .bvp files. Tried one and the program would not recognize the file type. So short of rebuilding my whole site again, does anyone know a way I can get the current website files into my Blue Voda folder on my PC??????
    Thanks for any help you can provide. Brian
  • navaldesign
    General & Forum Moderator

    • Oct 2005
    • 12080

    Re: file backup

    Use BV's import HTML feature. File, New Page > From existing HTML page. In the window that will open, fill in the FULL ( url of the page you want to retrieve. Check the "Remote (on the Internet) " radio button.

    BV will import the html page. You can then save it on your computer under the same name.

    Please note that you will need to adjust some things. Text will probably be not formatted the same way, and menus will need to be created from scratch as BV will NOT import the relevant Javascript, so menus will result single images linked.

    If you have Javascript or php scripts in the pages, you will need to recreate them.
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    • briansimons

      • May 2007
      • 26

      Re: file backup

      Thanks for the quick response, I'll give it a try. Brian

