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Page Display

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  • Page Display

    Domain name:

    This site is displayed perfectly in IE.

    An example of the Firefox page display problem (see bottom of page):
    All the bottom horizontal lines/shapes and "Back to Top" links are repositioned within the text. Problem occurs on all the pages, there are also some obvious formatting probs in other pages.

    Got on to Firefox Web Development support who stated the problem thus:

    "...matching line-heights in Firefox 2 and IE6..."

    "Because the lines and paragraphs of text in the main area are spaced
    just a little further apart in Firefox, the main text overflows the fixed
    position elements like the footer."

    Their suggested solution is for the following style rule to be inserted:

    <stype type="text/css">
    * {line-height:1.17em}

    placed in the header (between the <head> and </head> tags)."

    The question is: How do I insert this code, through the HTML box?

    Please advise.

  • #2
    Re: Ongoing page display problem in Firefox


    Yes, this is a problem everybody has, though it seems you have a really bad case! To insert that code, in BV builder, right click on your page, click "Page HTML", Open tab "Between Head Tag" and insert there. You may try building for FF, it will leave extra space in IE (though you have a lot already), but you won't worry about FF.

    Also, a better way of doing your "Back To Top" is with bookmarks.


    • #3
      Re: Ongoing page display problem in Firefox

      Thank you for your prompt response.


      • #4
        Re: Ongoing page display problem in Firefox


        Did what you advised but for some reason it didn't work -
        Note rule appearing on the top of the page-?


        • #5
          Re: Page Display

          Try adding:

          <stype type="text/css">
          <* {line-height:1.17em}>

          You might look again at where you found code to be sure nothing else missed. Upon further reflection, I'm not 100%, might wait for wiser owls!


          • #6
            Re: Page Display

            Your response prompted me to look closely (actually for the first time) at the html code I had simply copy/pasted from my Firefox thread.

            Notice the typo in the first word?

            Problem solved! Thanks for all your help.


            • #7
              Re: Page Display

              The Spike helps those who help themselves!

