Moving Files to a new computer

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  • JoDon

    • Feb 2007
    • 11

    Moving Files to a new computer

    Domain Name:

    I need to move all of my Bluevoda website pages to a new computer. If I zip the BlueVoda folder to CD and then unzip on the new computer, when I open the pages through the wesite builder software an "image not found" icon appears where the photos and menu bars should be. If I try to just copy to CD without zipping, I get error messages that the files have extra information attatched that might be lost. I assume this means the links to the photos. I have all the photos in the BlueVoda folder.

    Can anyone advise if it is possible to move the pages and not have to redo all the photos and menu bars? If so, please be specific. I'm not a very advanced user.
  • mrmagoo144
    Brigadier General

    • Feb 2007
    • 1369

    Re: Moving Files to a new computer

    the best way i have done this is to go to the server and ftp - transfer all the files and images you have uploaded with Blue Voda to your harddrive. Then I went to file/new page/from existing html. a new configuration box comes up and you choose remote (on the internet). Type in the url address for each page and all the images appear with the page. You must transfer all the files and images from the server to your harddrive first.
    At least that's how I transferred 14 pages from the internet to my harddrive and did not have to search for one image.
    hope this works for you.


    • JoDon

      • Feb 2007
      • 11

      Re: Moving Files to a new computer

      I moved to a new computer 8 months ago and tried this, but there were several things I had to adjust. The menu bars transfered as images and were not functional so I had to redo all of those. There was also something strange about the photos though I can't remember exactly what. Did you encounter any of these issues?

      Thanks for your help.


      • JoDon

        • Feb 2007
        • 11

        Re: Moving Files to a new computer

        Can anyone give me further advice?


        • JoDon

          • Feb 2007
          • 11

          Re: Moving Files to a new computer

          Can someone please explain to me how to back up my BV files so that I can transfer them to a new computer??

          I have read lots of threads that explain how to recover files after people have lost their data and everyone is reprimanded for not backing up thier original files...but no one explains HOW to do it.

          Please I need some help... time is running out before I have to send in my old computer.



          • LadyEye
            General & Forum Moderator

            • Jun 2006
            • 10526

            Re: Moving Files to a new computer

            Hi ..You will want to have blue voda downloaded and installed on the new computer, and you will want to have another source of your files, all of the files that belong to your website, or how ever many websites you have.

            Another source can be:

            1) An external hard drive
            2) CD's
            3) Memory Stick
            4) Another source offering online storage that allows you to upload and download your files without limits, there are a few places but be careful about the daily or monthly download limits - you could also create a folder in your control panel and upload your .bvp files via the ftp method and store in this folder for safe keeping and later download them to your new computer. You can currently do this with any images on your website right now.
            5.) You can also set up a file sharing system between your two computers, check your computer help for topics that will guide you through this - I've done this - works well. You just send all of your documents to file sharing and receive on the other computer and place in the appropriate directories. With those directories being the same path that resides on your computer now - MYDOCUMENTS/BLUEVODA/????

            So whichever method you choose you will want to copy all of the .bvp files and all of your images to this source of backup. Post back if you need help with any of the above methods.

            Importing pages via the html method does cause your nav bars and more to act as images .. yes you are correct. The above methods will not.


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            • JoDon

              • Feb 2007
              • 11

              Re: Moving Files to a new computer

              Thanks for your response. I've seen where you have helped several people after they lost thier data.

              Can you further explain how to tansfer the files to a CD so that I do not have to relink the photos and menu bars after I copy to the new computer? Currently when I open the files they have an "image not found" icon where the photos and menu bar should be.

              All of the photos and pages are in the same BV folder in
              MY DOCS/BLUEVODA and I zipped the MY DOCS folder before copying to the CD. If I also include the Blue Voda program folder in the zip will that help? OR is it impossible to transfer links from one computer to another?



              • JoDon

                • Feb 2007
                • 11

                Re: Moving Files to a new computer


                Thank you!!!

                After reading your response I went for my daily walk and during that time realized the problem. The path to the My Documents folder on the new computer was slightly different than the old one. I cleared that up and the files now transfer perfectly with out any adjustmens needed. Thank you for giving me the assurance that it should work so that I looked a little deeper for the problem.

                I'm a very happy BlueVoda user today!


