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  • lenam_dc

    • Feb 2008
    • 2


    Hi, helpers.
    Please check www.lenamdistribution.com
    I've done some pages but when is published it dos mixed the thinks: navigation buttons and the bottom line(colour). It will show main colour of the latest published page on all unrelated pages(its ok on same department). And navigation buttons will content the same menu, for example: transport navigation buttons will apply to PC, Hotel etc. Even nav.buttons keep same contects on all pages(If you poot mouse over you will see what it should be, but is not!) When you have a look the site - you'll know what i mean. I checked all thinks, every thing fine at BV-Preview but wrong when published. Please, let me know main wrong doing.

    Regards LENAM.
    P.S.: What about in general about site itself, any sugestions?
  • Meanderer

    • Aug 2007
    • 324

    Re: Lenam

    I don't know if you use copy/paste technique for your buttons or not but that could have caused your problem. I didn't have a lot of time to go into the whole thing but I did right click on a number of buttons and viewed the links etc. To me it looks like you just have the text on the buttons incorrect. As you say, hovering the mouse over, shows what you say it should be and so does the URL destination that appears at the bottom of the browser. Can you just correct the text on the button and move the buttons around if the order is important?
    Sorry, but it's way past my bedtime to look into it deeper :(
    ps> I'm using FireFox browser. You can also click on the browser page and view Page Info / links and that's a good guide.


    • sedona
      Major General

      • Jun 2007
      • 2177

      Re: Lenam

      I think Meanderer is right.

      Since you should be making your buttons one at a time just make sure the link is correct for each one (btw, you have house plans spelled wrong.) Shouldn't take that much to set it right as you obviously know how to do it.
      (Nice use of the mouseover button - as there's only one like it - I've never seen it used before.)

      The 'style' of your site is nice. Anxious to see it when you get this sorted.
      Good luck....

      If there hadn't been women we'd still be squatting in a cave eating raw meat, because we made civilization in order to impress our girl friends. And they tolerated it and let us go ahead and play with our toys. Orson Wells


      • lenam_dc

        • Feb 2008
        • 2

        Re: Lenam

        Thank you to both of you for share your ideas.
        I've checked at BV, everything I'd spell correct but still same problem appier after republish.
        I think problem is: when I make pages Im just copy the same template for all pages, and just changing name of nav.batton and bottom colour line. BV(or PC)- Its still stupid mashine,wich das not recognase what human want to do. It just das - as it has been programmed! it got No brain!
        I think I've to do all pages separately from each other and keep to not copy anything from previous page (text only - ok). It may will work.
        Thank you.

        P.S.: sorry for my spelling, English its not my language.

