problems seeing new link

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  • joaocarloss
    Private First Class

    • Feb 2008
    • 5

    problems seeing new link

    2 or 3 months ago i have republished the coffeebreak link from my site wich is a foto inside products and before i deleted the old one from cpanel. since then the page never came up again and i published again and nothing. the link now is blank. what should i do?
  • Meanderer

    • Aug 2007
    • 324

    Re: problems seeing new link

    I found it very difficult to understand what you are trying to explain.
    On investigating, I can only assume that you mean the followiing:
    On your Products page, the link to coffeebreak is attached to the image/catering. The link is:
    Either one of two things is the problem:
    The page file is missing from your public_html file on the server OR its named slightly different. e.g. coffee-break.html, Coffeebreak.html or something similar. Look very closely that it is named exactly as it is shown in your link.
    I take it that you still have it in your BV on your computer. If so, bring it up SAVE and PUBLISH again. (Check that in the properties box, it is showing that it will be saved as .html)
    When you deleted the old file using your file manager in cPanel, it remains in the Trash Bin until you empty that bin, so it's possible it is still there. You can see if it is by looking if it is listed below the trash bin symbol in your file manager.
    I admire you people with multi language skills.
    Regards and good luck,

